Chapter Ten

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The day started out well and normal. I was with my friends chatting, eating, doing the usual stuffs. But there's one thing that I just can't shake off my mind. It's about Kyoya. No, this is nothing like my petty day dreams, but rather a creeped out feeling like I'm being followed by him. I don't know, I just keep on seeing him every now and then. It's either from the corner of my eye, or I literally pass him by.

There was one time when Dino walked me to my next class and we were chatting away, when out of the corner of my eyes, I felt someone watching us. I diverted my gaze to where it was and there I saw Kyoya, arms folded in front of him, glaring at Dino like he could kill. I turned to Dino, but he was completely oblivious about it. When I looked back at Kyoya, he was gone.

Right now, me and my friends are on our usual table in the cafeteria talking about random stuffs. Dino joined us a while ago and sat between me and Mikata. We were all joking around, and Dino initiated this game 'who-nudge-the-hardest-and-make-the-other-one-topple-over' with me but once again, I felt the piercing stare directed to us. I stopped and whipped my head around until I saw Kyoya, watching us from the other side.

Yes, it's as creepy as it sounds.

I cut Dino in the middle of his joke and motioned over to Kyoya, "Hey, did you notice that Kyoya's been acting different today. He also kept on glaring at you like you just killed his mother. What did you do this time Dino?"

His face fell when he saw Kyoya and I watch his jaw tensed up. His gaze turned hard and menacing before he turned back around and said in a deadly tone, "Never mind him."

Then he draped his arm on my shoulder and pulled me close. The gesture surprised me greatly.

"Friends do this stuff." I tried reassuring myself.

With that, I playfully pinched his side, which made him squirm but we just end up laughing.


Class ended earlier today in preparation for the prom tomorrow night. Students immediately ran out of the school premises as soon as the dismissal bell rang. I suppose they just took the once in a lifetime opportunity of having classes dismissed this early, to have more time to do as they pleased.

I, on the other hand, was once again being the nerdish Isuki, and took the time to accomplish assignments and projects. When all is done though, I took a quick trip to my locker and fixed the trash-filled piece of compartment. Closing my locker door, I was surprised with Dino's retreating figure that had entered one of the vacant rooms.

What's this boy up to now?

I was about to walk to the room when I heard a loud crash coming inside. I ran towards it and managed to peer over the glass window. My blood rushed when I saw what's happening inside.

The room was a complete mess! Chairs are everywhere and some are broken already. The papers were all over the floor and the table was upside down. But what really accelerated my pulses was the two boys inside the room.

On one corner lies Dino, hands on his bleeding lips, panting. Opposing him stood Kyoya, looking very, VERY pissed. It looks like they're arguing about something but I can't really hear their voices through the glass.

I heard the clicking of the shoe heel on the deserted hallway and found Tsuna walking up towards my direction, completely engrossed with a book. I started to walk towards him, but another crash rang through the empty hallway that shook both me and Tsuna.

"Tsuna!" I hollered, panic over taking my being, "Dino and Kyoya are fighting! Please stop them before someone gets seriously injured."

He glanced at his wrist watch and had a confused look, "Well that's early."

"What? What's early?" I said.

"Their fight." Tsuna replied with a very calm demeanor.

"What, like, they do this everyday?"

"Yes. Hibari-san tutors Dino-kun from time to time. I guess he just loses his patience over him and then they fight. But no worries, both guys leave without a single scratch on their skins."

Then I remembered Dino's bleeding lips, and from the looks of it, Kyoya isn't contented with only busted lips.

"But Tsuna! The moment Dino entered the room, they started fighting. And when I checked on them, I saw Dino in one corner, his lips bleeding. That sounds a lot like a scratch to me!"

Tsuna's eyes widen and muttered somethings I didn't understand before he bolted to the classroom door.

He didn't opened it, so I grabbed the knob and turned it open.

Tsuna tried to stop me from entering. "Isuki don't enter-"

"STOP THIS!" My voice rang with authority I didn't know I had.

Both boys did gave me a glance but they continued their fight like hard-headed animals.

It was horrifying to see your friends bash each other's skull and throw one another punches. You could feel the tension and hatred in the air it's almost suffocating.

This is insane! These men have to stop and control their damn testosterone infused emotions before I go in there and kicked them myself to the place where the sun don't shine!

"Stop it please! Stop you guys! Stop it!" I screamed, I shout, but no one listened.

I've had enough of this!

Without thinking twice, I stormed in between the two boys who was ready to stab each other with pens. "STOP!"

Then everything turned silent, our ragged breaths filling the air.

I turned to glance at Dino who looked terribly hurt. His face smeared with blood, and he was clutching his arm in pain. My head turned to Kyoya with such speed I thought it would decapitate from my body. But I couldn't careless.

I am mad.

I grabbed Kyoya's arms and pulled him out of the room.

"You interfere too much Herbivore. I am close to finishing that little vegan's life!" He said, bawling his fist tight.

"What did he even do to you Kyoya?! Tell me! What did he do that made him deserve this aggressive actions of yours?!" I screamed.

He looked away his voice hushed, "Why? What's it to you?"

I stared at him disbelievingly, "What's it to me?" and I gave out a humorless laugh. "What a joke."

"You like him don't you?" He accused.

"NO!" I cried, "He's my friend Kyoya! A good friend. He's been there for me when I need him. He never fail to support and comfort me. He cares for me more than you ever did. He's something to me." I paused with a shaky breath. "And you were something to me too! More than something actually." I knew at this point that I was just sputtering things insignificant but I just can't seem to stop. "You were my everything Kyoya."

I wiped my cheeks, not knowing that tears had started to fall.

My head hung low, and it's as if my voice had gone along with my energy, I whispered, "But this just took it all away."

And with that, I left him in the hall without giving his face a second glance, and proceeded to help Dino instead.

Hibari Fanfic: Can the Impossible be POSSIBLE? (Complete - Editing Soon)Where stories live. Discover now