Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve


"Gaaah!" Thud.

"Stupid, stupid alarm clock." Tit.

I took a good long look in my surroundings. The room was quiet and calm. The curtains gently swayed as the cool morning breeze sneaked through the windows. The sunlight, faintly lighting up the room.

Mmm... Was all of it just a dream?

I checked my father's wardrobe and saw the clothes properly stacked in place. I felt a mixture of disappointment and relief. Since I woke up alone, maybe it's all just a dream... Oh well.

My pace became unbearably slow. Though I try to convince myself that it's better to be a dream, my heart can't seem to take it. It assumed too much.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, my sorry state was interrupted by the familiar noise of a chair that was being dragged.

"It could be a burglar." I said, bracing myself.

"It's Kyoya dummy!" my heart just did some skippy dance inside my chest.

"No it's not, I told you, it's all just a dream. Don't hope too much, you might get broken."

"But it's really him! I could feel it. And hearts never lie, you know that. Tsk."

I inwardly roll my eyes but as I rounded the corner, there sat Kyoya in all his perfectness, reading a newspaper.

I tried to look annoyed but my face betrayed me. I broke into a happy grin and my voice sounded chirpy as hell.

"Ohayo! Sleep well last night?" I said, giving Kyoya a mischievous wink.

"Oh my gosh Isuki, you have to chill girl. It's too early in the morning to flirt! You have to be ashamed of yourself." The inner me scolded.

Scowling, I quickly went to my kitchen and prepared myself a nice cup of coffee. The aroma simply calmed my unnerved senses. Though I am glad that what happened last night were all true, I can't help but be bothered.

How should I act now?

"Act normal!" My brain said. "Or just do your Isuki act. You can do it. Just remember to breath."

Yes, I can do this.

On that note, I slid out the kitchen and joined Kyoya on the dining table. I took a sip at my freshly brewed coffee and brought out a glass of water for Kyoya.

He eyed it and gave me a look.

"What?" I said, sounding defensive, "I knew you too well to even give you coffee."

I saw a ghost of a smile formed in his lips before he went back into reading the newspaper.

A comfortable silence hung in the air between us. This brought me back to the events last night. All playing back like a little movie in my mind. I tried my hardest to contain the butterflies in my stomach, and the giggles that was threatening to come out from this fangirl heart of mine. Though, there are still questions left unanswered.

Dino and Takeshi, I hate those two herbivores...

"Kyoya? Why would you hate my cousin?" I said, cutting the silence.

He slowly brought the newspaper down and gave me a serious face. "The Herbivore's too clingy for my liking."

I was still lost. "So? It's normal since we're very close."

Hibari Fanfic: Can the Impossible be POSSIBLE? (Complete - Editing Soon)Where stories live. Discover now