END - Author's Note

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(It's still the month of December so...)


Hi guys!

I miss Wattpad, I miss writing this, I miss you guys...

But this is it.

I know the story's short, I know it felt rushed, I know it took me forever to update, but FI-NAL-LY! IT. IS. FINISHED.

I wish I could make it longer or continue it but I'm afraid I can't. 'Cause as what I've said on one of my author's note, I am no longer part of this fandom nor do I enjoy writing this unlike before. I'm so sorry but I just can't help but drift apart from my beloved Kyoya when my friend stopped telling stories about KHR.

Yes, you read it right. I have come to know Kyoya and the gang through my otaku friend. And tbh, I haven't watched a single episode of KHR. But I've fangirled alongside my friend, back when we're in 7th grade. But I guess we both moved on already. That's just life you know? Things just come and go.

So though I am no longer that engaged to this story, I still finished it because I keep my promises :) And I promised to all of my readers that whenever I started a story, I would finish it no matter what, even if it takes my lifetime to do so.

Now, since you guys are so patient and understanding, and I really wanna' show how grateful I am for every vote and comment you left me, THIS STORY WILL UNDERGO MAJOR EDITING.

Yes it will be edited because I started making this back when I was in 7th grade and I decided that it can still be improved. Atleast let me make it up to you guys by giving you an improved version of this crappy book made by the younger and less experienced me. Oh I'm not saying it'll turn out super perfect after the editing because surely, it will still have some mistakes and flaws. I'm just saying that the book can be improved into something less... frustrating when you read it.

There will be some revisions, here and there. There may also be added chapters or I will chop up those long chapters into two. I will also try and fix the sequence and the relations of each chapter and events to each other. THERE'S A LOT TO FIX I TELL YOU. But in the end, I know it will all be worth it :)

So, until next time people!

Thank you for everything. I really truly appreciate it.

I love y'all! :*


Hibari Fanfic: Can the Impossible be POSSIBLE? (Complete - Editing Soon)Where stories live. Discover now