Chapter Six

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AN: So, this might be the last update for now (I think) (~SORRY~) Cause' school is starting soon, and when it does, I know I WOULD SUCK IN UPDATING. So, you may wait until next summer break (March-May) or whenever I'm free XD   ..... Patience is a vitrue ..... <33333

Do you want to sail somewhere in the ocean? Ships everyone? Haha XD

Are you on:

> Isuya or Kyosuki (Isuki + Kyoya) ~Acknowledgement for QueeneDelmarva :)

>Isuno or Disuki (Isuki + Dino)

>Isushi or Tasuki (Isuki + Takeshi) [I don't normally support incest, but this is just for fun :)]

[I know that this book doesn't have any cliff-hanging parts. Maybe, it's just because I'm not much of a fan of cliff-hanging scence cause' they always leave me... HANGING. Yeaaaah... Still, feel free to comment or vote, and maybe who knows, it can be the reason I would continue updating this... Just maybe... Anyway, Enjoy! :)]


Okay, I didn't stayed cross with Kyoya. Actually, after I stared at his pictures on the wall for a minute, I grabbed my phone and called him. I just apologized for random things and thank him for the meal (Yeaaahhh... He paid for that. I should've ordered more of that croissant and take it home! I'm not paying anyway... *smirk*") Myou~ I'm sorry for being weak! I ask you, how can I stay that way when he stays gorgeous? And If I did became weak, it's all the pictures on my wall's fault! Not mine...

The next day, everything went normal. Well, a little more akward than usual though.

Two months had past from that day, and I know I need to move on from that memory.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

My shirt is wet.

No, it did not rain. And no, I didn't swim...

"But when will you go baaaaaack?!" Mikata said. Her face is red and her eyes is swollen from crying.

No, again. To be clear, I'm NOT migrating into another country... It's just how Mikata sees it.

"Sheesh girl! The camp is just two weeks! Our semestral break is like, a month long. I'll come back as soon as I can. I promise. I won't live there! Who wants to go potty in a pit hole on the floor and be murdered by mosquitos, their WHOLE life?"

Mikata grinned and finally let my shirt go.

Me and my gang had a group hug. I kissed (friendly) all of them in the cheek to say my farewell. "I'll miss you guys. But, really-" I glanced at Mikata and saw tears falling from her eyes. "-it's just two weeks. Okay?" 

Then I walked towards our camping bus. But then, I spotted a familiar raven haired boy at the corner of my eye. "Kyoya-kun~!!!" I waved and ran to his side.

"Hey! What are you doing here? Are you a camper too?" I asked while catching my breath

He crossed his (wonderful) arms and hung his head.

"No? Well, you must be here to say goodbye to me, Mm?" He raised his head and stared at me. 

"Well, goodbye, then." 

When I leaned forward to kiss his cheek, (I was raised in that habit, okay! I kiss everyone in the cheek! My aunties, my friends, my uncles, cousins... All of them! Even my friend's Dog...Don't think other thoughts...) He raised his hand and in the corner of my eye, I saw a metal reflects the sun's light. Oh-hoho... This again? He tried to hit me with his tonfa, again. And I dodge it, again. When will he learn? Through that hitting and doging, I managed to sneak my farewell kiss. When I my lips finally touched his... cheek (or so I thought), I heard metals clanging to the pavement. I opened my eyes, just to see his eyes wide open, looking horrified and straight into mine. Our noses collides in a perfect form. Just then, I realized what's really happening...

Hibari Fanfic: Can the Impossible be POSSIBLE? (Complete - Editing Soon)Where stories live. Discover now