Chapter One

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At this very moment, as I look at my friends' faces, I remembered the first time I met them on the first day of classes in Namimori High a year ago.

Ahhh, Namimori High...

The way I clung at Yamamoto's arm that made him wobble as we walk. Poor Yamamoto Takeshi! Eventhough I've been a burden from the time I transfered, he's still a very supportive cousin. Never did that smile fade. I can still remember the exact words on how he introduced me to my new family...

"Hey guys, this is my cuz, Isuki Shigatsu. She's a year older than me, and she's new here. She's easy to be with so I hope you guys will get along. Actually she's just like me! Hahahaha."

"Except smarter." I huffed

"Huh? What do you mean by that, Isuki-chan?" Yamamoto pouted

Then an arm rested on my shoulder  "I think I'll like her! Hi, I'm Mikata Ichibantomodachi! Everyone calls me Mikata. Nice to meet you!"

Yamamoto then introduced each one of them to me while smiling and telling silly jokes. A silver haired guy named Gokudera, A small guy with a star shaped hair named Tsuna, all of them. Well - everyone except for someone named Hibari Kyoya. He toned down abit and became serious. He told me about him on how he beats students up and other things...

"Call him Hibari-san if you don't want things to get ugly. And do everything he told you..." He said

I was like:  Is he serious?! 

And so I paid the price for not believing my cousin,

"Ohayogozaimasu, Kyo- (Thunk)"

I saw stars.

Yamamoto didn't freakin' told me that he has a tonfa!

From then on I started to hate KYOYA (naughty me XD), too weirded out. I mean, why wouldanyone hit a girl just because she greeted with the 'wrong name'?!

But then he became interesting. He's different from the other guys around. It intrigues me... And then that's my cue to stalk. Did I mention I'm an insane stalker? I must know every info I need to know. Weird, huh? But can you blame me for being -well- me? Don't worry though, I'm not the kind who would follow you wherever you go and watches you even when asleep. That would just be plain creepy *Shudder*

I found out how how he lives, what's his likes and dislike and many other things. Well, maybe I could use it someday...

Mmm... anyway, he's cute.

Ahem, I didn't say anything... 

Hibari Fanfic: Can the Impossible be POSSIBLE? (Complete - Editing Soon)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora