Chapter Seven

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AN: *Pant* *Pant* I *Pant* managed to *Pant* update this *Pant* for all of you, guys... That's how I love ya'll~!!! So, hope ya'll enjoy this! :))))) <33333

IT'S STARTING TO RAIN HERE IN OUR PLACE... And I have the reason to be HAPPY [Cause' rain means that school's gonna' start SOON!!! ~ First day ;)] and SAD [Cause' I might not finish this book before school starts :'( Though it's only a few chapters to the end....] Ugh, life...

I don't even know if I could update Chap. 8 (one of my personal faves) anymore. *sigh* Any who.... Don't forget to leave a comment or vote! ENJOY! :)


"But we won't have our girlfriends-night out!!!" Mikata protests on the other side of the phone

"Haha, now-now Mikata... We'll meet again soon. Right now, I really need to rest." I said calmly, so that I won't take too much of my strength in this conversation. Boy! Am I worn out or what? Camping takes a lot out of you, apparently...

"Okay, rest today and we'll go out this Saturday. Sounds good? Yes?" She said cheerfully with a hint of hope that may save our night-out

Mmm... Saturday? So, should I go with the option of just sitting and eating my heart out with Dino or go through all the mall's stores and sing karaoke till' I lost my voice? Yep. I'll go to the less stressing one.

"Um, I'm sorry Mikata. It's just, I have plans for that day..."

Don't think of me as a bad friend just because I chose having dinner with another friend than going with my one and only BFF in malls and amusement parks. I mean, if you were in my shoes, being very exhausted from all of that camping, will you chose to be with a hyper-active girl that would drag you to random places the whole day or just have a peaceful dinner for just an hour or so?

"Awww... I guess, we'll really see you when classes returns then..." She said forlornly

Guilt hit me, yes. So, I suggested something that may make-up our time loss.

"If you want, we'll meet early in our usual place so we'll have more time to talk."

"Yeah, sure. But not too early, k? Cause' I don't wanna' wake-up sooo early. It wrecks my day. Well, see ya' then! Byeeee~!!! Luhv ya' gurl..." Relief went through me as I heard her voice perked up and began blabbing things. "I'm so gonna' tell you about this Durikana movie that I discovered and this guy-character named Ikaza Orizuo. He's sooo hot, and handsome, and-"

"Whoa, okay-okay. Haha, tell me all about him when we meet. I need to charge my phone ASAP! K? Bye! Love you too..." And I hang-up. Then my phone rang, indicating an incoming message. I opened it and it reads:

"Don't forget to bring me mwuah keepsakes from that camping of yours! I know you bought me some, right? Haha. Anyways, I miss you gurl SOOO MUCH :'( Expect to be tackled by mwuah hug when I spot you on the first daaaaay.... <33333 XD

From: Mikata (BFF) ~ Oct. 15, Thursday, 2:28 P.M."

I chuckled as I read her message. And I typed;

"Haha! Sure-sure... I miss you too :'( See ya' then gurl!"



Today's the day... I can't believe how fast Saturday came...

Dino and I agreed to meet in Namimori's gate and go to Diners Co. together. I haven't went to that place so I don't reallly know what to wear. I first tried on some shirt and jeans when an image of Dino wearing tux came into my mind. I shivered at the thought of being with elegantly dressed people in shirt and jeans. So I changed into something a little more casual. I wore a Pink botton-up polo, a black pencil-cut skirt and my black flats. I tied my hair in a neat bun and dragged a black leather purse. I didn't bother to call Dino (The thing I regret in the end), since I could recall that he told me to dress nicely, I think...

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