☆ Chapter 7 ☆

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Bdubs was pacing.

And the rhythmic drumming of his feet against his hardwood floor was nowhere near as loud as his thoughts.

He was confused about Impulse. Because the so called stranger had basically admitted that he was indeed the one who's helped him in the forest that day. But at the same time, even though Impulse had done good things, he insisted on keeping it hush-hush.

If Bdubs had wicked cool healing magic, he would be telling the whole world. Impulse was acting like it was a bad thing.

So that begged the question, just who exactly was Impulse? Bdubs didn't know what allowed Impulse to practice his magic. He could be a mage, like Bdubs had assumed earlier, or maybe he had some sort of hybrid abilities.

Hybrid magic would explain the wings that Bdubs remembered seeing.

But still, Bdubs was confused. And who in the village was never confused? Joe Hills.

Alright, perhaps that was an exaggeration. Though what Joe did have was a giant library, stocked with tons of books and information. Knowledge, or, as Bdubs liked to call it, brain munchies.

Bdubs grabbed a small notebook from his room and stuffed it in his moss coat, before making his way outside. He shut his door behind him and headed for the library, confident and calculated steps ringing out against the cobblestone path below him.

He had his goal in mind: figure out what Impulse was with the information he had. And he was going to.

His fast walking paid off, and he was at Joe's library in no time at all. The library was grand, outcompeting the other structures around it with its imposing height and quartz detailing. Joe practically spent all of their time inside it and in the small vineyard out back, and Bdubs was fairly sure they just lived there at this point.

Bdubs took the front steps two at a time and pushed the double doors open. Their hinges creaked and whined as they opened, revealing the library's beautiful interior. Bookshelves lined every wall, towering up to the ceiling. Tables and soft cushioned chairs sat between the free floating bookshelves, creating little cozy nooks. Lanterns hung from the rafters, giving the place a homely glow.

Joe sat at their desk against the front wall, surrounded by sheets of parchment and a seemingly unsteady stack of books next to them. The stack was way higher than Bdubs thought Joe could even reach.

Joe peeked up from their papers when they heard Bdubs enter. They smiled and pushed their glasses up on their nose. "Howdy Bdubs! Can I do anything for you today?"

"Hey Joe!" Bdubs said, approaching Joe's desk, "I was looking to do some research on magics."

"Ah, I see. Well, as I'm sure you know, the non-fiction section's to the right. Books on magics are in the back corner there," Joe responded, pointing a finger towards where Bdubs would be able to find the books. "May I ask, if it's alright, is this for a casual interest, or are you planning a prank?" They followed up, cracking a knowing grin.

Bdubs rolled his eyes, but answered. "Just a new thing I'm curious about, I swear. There's just so many things I realized I don't know about magic, even my own magic! It's a very cool topic!" While that technically wasn't the truth per say, it wasn't necessarily a lie either. He said he wanted to know about magic, just not specifically Impulse's magic.

"Alright then my friend. If you can't find anything in the books, don't hesitate to ask me. I know my fair share about magic." Joe flicked their silvery wings behind them as if to signify that, and turned their head back to the paper they'd been scribbling into before.

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