Chapter 3

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Sooyeon's pov

How could he do that to that girl?
I was about to slapped him suddenly he grabbed my wrist and we ran to the roof.

"Let me go" I shouted at him.

He laughed and pinched my cheek. Why wrong with this boy? Was he crazy ?

"YA!! Why did you kiss me?" I yelled at him.

"Can you be my fake girlfriend?" He begged.

"What?Why I have to help you?" I asked.

"Please!! Sena had been bothered me . She said if I had a girlfriend, she will let me go." He pouted.

"If I help you, what will I get?" I asked.

"Everything you want." He smiled.

"Everything ? Really?" I smirked.

"Yes!! Everything"

"So be my slave and stop fighting with other." I laughed.

"What ? Slave?" He shouted a bit.

"If you don't, it's okay I won't help you neither." I laughed and walked off. He grabbed my wrist.

"Ok ok!! I'll be your slave." He said weakly.

"Deal?" Lol


V's pov

"Let go to class" I held her hand.

"Hold hand?" She asked a bit shocked.

"Of course" I laughed.

Since BTS and Sooyeon were friend. I was going to tell them that she was my girlfriend. Hahaha XD but I won't tell them she was my fake one.

"Hello guys. This is my new girlfriend." I shouted to my friend and held our hand up.

"What?" All of them shouted and there jaw dropped.

Good then!! Now everyone in class looked at us and started talking around. Only this can make Sena got out of me. *happy*

The teacher came in and started the lesson. I took a seat near Sooyeon because we were couple now.

Sooyeon's pov

He was so annoying. He kept playing with my hair and pinched my cheek. GOD!! Why time ran so slow today ? It was just 1hour but I felt like 10hours. -.-

Finally it time for lunch, I was on my way with BTS !! I could felt many girl gave me a death glare. I didn't care about it since I was just his fake girl.

"Jagiya can you buy lunch for me?" I said.

He gave me "what face". Hahah XD don't forget he is my slave anyway.

"Ok babe" He fake smile.

Jin's pov

What? Sooyeon was V's girlfriend? Why she never mention it to me that she love him? I thought she hate him. She used to say she hate bad boy but why she accept V? *sigh*

Whatever!! I hope V won't play with Sooyeon heart. If he did it, I swear I will give him a lesson even his is my bestfriend.

"Jagiya can you buy lunch for me?" She said to V.

Why were they so sweet? While eating, V always feed Sooyeon. I felt like they were acting. But why would they?

"Please stop lovebird,I beg you." J-hope said.

They both laughed and continue eating.

A/N : Sorry!! I think this chapter is really boring,right? Anyway I hope you guys like it.

Bad Boy Good Boy [BTS V FanFiction] [Complete]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz