Wait for the guy who...

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Wait for the guy who...

Wait for the guy who makes you laugh.
The guy that makes you smile when you're just done with the day, the guy who knows exactly what lame jokes to tell you that make you smirk, and the guy who will always try to make you smile or laugh when you're going through the hardest of times.

Wait for the guy that motivates you.
The guy who will push you to reach your dreams and goals. The guy who will encourage you when you feel like giving up and the guy who will motivate you to pursue God and encourage you to grow in your faith.

Wait for the guy that prays for you.
The guy who will set aside some sort of time per day to have you in his prayers. To pray for your goals, your life, and your relationship.

Wait for the guy who pursues God AND You.
The guy that pursues God and you daily. The guy who prays and is constantly yearning to seek God and the guy who loves you and still pursues you like it's the first date.

Wait for the guy that respects you.
Not just the guy that opens doors for you and pays for dinner, but the guy who respects your body, respects your morals and respects your choices.

Wait for the guy your family loves.
Because let's be honest, they really do know best.

Wait for the guy who sends long messages just for her. 

Wait for the guy who isn't bothered of how you look. Because whatever you wear or put on he will be totally amazed of how you look,  whether it's with slacks, sweats, shorts, pants, plain ts,  dresses and all.

Wait for the guy who is scared of losing you.

Wait for the guy who cooks for you,  even if he really can't cook. 

Wait for the guy who will do absolutely everything just to make you smile.

Wait for the guy who treats you like his queen.

Wait for the guy who waits for you and who is patient for you even despite everything; tired or exhausted from your distance between each other, will still be there ready to give a smile.

Wait for the guy who misses you and gets unreasonably mad and overthinks.

Wait for the guy who gets jealous because it is a way of showing that he really cares for you and wants you to lock your eyes up on him.

Wait for the guy who has dreams and aspiration and plans for his future.

Wait for the guy who wants to hold your hand.

Wait for the guy who doesn't get tired of saying,  I love you. 

Wait for the guy who accepts your past,  and even if she is totally wrecked, you accept her. 

Wait for the guy who gets mad when you say 'slr' or 'brb' or even 'ttyl' because all he wants is to talk to you, and ending a convo will make him sad. He wants to know you.  He wants you to be verbal about everything. He wants to hear your voice. So appreciate when he wants to stay up late just to talk to you because you don't get that everyday.

Wait for the guy who makes every single day a day to remember. A purpose for living.
He makes each other day extra memorable in his own ways.  Cherish that.

Wait for the guy who goes with all your stubborn attitudes,  he understands that not all the time you're in a good mood.  So let them be.  Approach when coast is clear.

Wait for the guy who wants you to change for the better... Together

Wait for the guy who pays attention to every single detail.  Because all the little things matter. 
Wait for the guy who will one day,  bend on his one knee,  and ask you to be his wife.


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