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Filler chapter ( I didn't know what to write and I wasn't going to have Isobel get kidnapped knowing she could have the baby early.)

The Winchesters and Isobel went to their next destination where a little boy witnessed the disappearance of a man in thin air. Something about that didn't make since to her. She listened to him describe chain sounds making her think this isn't supernatural. Dean looked at his pregnant girlfriend and knew. "Sorry, boys, you two are on you own. I'm not having her stress or her getting into danger."

"Dean, I'm not fragile." She tells him. "Pregnant. Not fragile."

"Well, whatever we are dealing with may want you as you are pregnant. Easy prey, baby."

Isobel glared at Dean as he looked at her. He knew he made her mad, but he was looking out for her and their baby. She will understand that soon. Ryder and Sam watched them talk about what he was saying causing them to see her cry. "Hormones are out of whack with that woman."

"She understands what Dean is doing and she can't help, but feel useless."

"She's not useless. The girl always comes in handy." He says. "That thought needs to get out of her head."

Dean kissed Isobel as he couldn't stand the thought of her and their baby being in danger. Isobel looked at him. "Sorry."

"Hey, it's okay." He says. "Just know that I'm always going to protect you. I love you."

"I love you. Let's go see how the baby is."


'What do you think baby Winchester is? A girl or a boy or twins. Till next time.

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