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I sent my last tweet and drifted to sleep well tried to drift to sleep .

Unfortunately i didn't because my mom came through my door yelling about unnecessary random stuff . "What you need to do is get a job, pay some bills, buy you and apartment and then you could have boys in your house in your room whenever you want !"

"And your point is ? " i asked with my eyes still closed .

"Sasha I told you about talking to me like that you know what fuck it .

She slammed my door shut then started ranting again but this time in Spanish . Fortunately i don't know spanish but she was still giving me a headache .

My mom finally stopped her screaming five minutes later .

I tried one more time to go to sleep .

My eyes were lowering every time I blinked . I was nearly asleep until my phone rang, it was a text cause I could tell by the ring tone .

"Oh My Jesus " i screamed and that's when the Spanish ranting came back .

BestFriend ( Chris )

I quickly slipped on my Minnie mouse house slippers and grabbed my cheer leading varsity jacket .

I flew down the stairs so my mom or step dad wouldn't see me.

I walked outside to see Chris on my porch all dressed up in his suit and tie .

"What's the occasion " i said while pulling his tie . He gave me a cold look.

"Oh nothing just my fucking graduation ." I sighed and grabbed his hand. "Chris I'm sooorr..."

He pulled his hand from me., "Nah save it, I don't even care anymore just give me my Jersey."

"Why " I questioned him with a major attitude .

"I need it for pictures tomorrow" he said sounding fustrated .

"I'll bring it to your house tonight "

He scratched his head, that was a sign that he was getting pissed off .

"Man just give it to..... , never mind fuck it just bring it to me ."

He walked off, no bye or anything .

I walked back into the house to still hear Spanish ranting but I knew it wasn't involving me this time because Nick my stepdad was spanish ranting and he almost never said anything .

I ran up stairs and plopped on my bed to finally get some sleep .

It was 10:00 am in the morning i needed some sleep .

When I finally woke up I felt a little less cranky and more energized .

It was 1:00 now I thought i was sleep longer than just three hours.

I felt around my bed for my phone.

I had 2 missed calls from Chris and two Notifications on the book .

I called Chris back to see what he wanted, he probably was calling for his Jersey .

"Hello " he said sounding like he just woke up .

"You still mad at me? "

He didn't say anything for about 5 minutes .

"Chris !"

"Bring my Jersey" he said and then he hung up . I dont know who the fuck he think he was hanging up on .

I slipped on Michael kors sandals and my Minnie mouse sweater .

Having my best friend stay only 2 houses down is in some ways an advantage and in some ways a disadvantage.

Mr.Jones Chris step daddy answered the door with his creepy ass .

Having step parents was something me and Chris talked about .

"Hi Mr.Jones is Chris here "

He looked me up and down and licked his lips . Luckily I wasn't wearing anything to revealing .

"Oh Come on in sweetie he's in his room ." I walked in to see Mrs.Jones on the couch watching t.v. She was hella mean and protective, whenever me and chris would go in the room together with the door closed she would always barge in . She be acting like Chris is her man

"Hi Mrs.Jones " i said

She waved me off , I walked down the hall to Chris's room which was bigger than all the other rooms .

I walked in and he was sleep but I guess the door woke him up a little cause he moved, but that room of his was messy .

I slipped my Michael kors slippers off and slipped into bed with him .

Surprisingly he let me and he even held me . I turned around so that we were face to face now. "You still mad at me " i said while playing with the little bits of hair he had .

He pulled me closer and opened his eyes . "Nah, I could tell where you were coming from "

I smiled, He rubbed my thigh and he was making me feel some type of way .

He kissed me on my cheek, "You know we gotta get up before my mom come in " I sighed and jumped up out of his bed.

" I'll see you tomorrow right? " I said while putting my shoes.

"If there is a tomorrow" he said and laughed, I threw a pillow at him.

"I Love You Creep" i said while walking out the door .

*Authors notes *

Okay short I know but should i update ?

Please don't be a ghost reader

I need to edit so don't tell me there's errors .




-Yaz ^.^

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