Chapter 9

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I walked and sat down with the biggest smile on my face, everybody looked at me like i was weird and i think Vick knew Mark told me but i ain't give a fuck, I was too happy and had to show it.

I stopped day dreaming about my happiness when everybody stopped talking and started staring at me, I tried to fake it "What happen" i said with an attitude, they all smiled and the important lady with the snobby ass voice said "You got the job" .

She said it so calmly like i wasn't going through shit with these run arounds and it wouldn't have mean shit if i didn't get the job.

My heart even skipped 100 beats when i heard i got the job a second time, I was grining from ear to ear .

I got up and shook everyones hand , "Thank you, you don't know how much this means to me, thank you" is what i keep saying . I saw Vick smiling in the corner with my paper work, i literally ran to him i needed this damn paperwork .

I hugged him and looked through my contract just to see if they weren't trying to play me but it was all good.

I ran out of the room with my papers and just sat down in the hallway and cried, this was the first time i had cried good tears in New York .

Mark came out the door and sat next to me on the hallway floor, "Need a ride home" I laughed, "I would love a ride home."

As soon as i got in Marks car i called my mother on marks car phone / phone car, I haven't talk to her since i left, I know sad right .

She picked up after 2 rings .


"Sasha? " she questioned like someone else was gone call her ma .

"Yea its me ma" I said trying not to cry, she let out this big sigh of relief and started crying and talking in spanish . Even though i didn't know a clue at what she was saying i started crying too, Mark gave me a tissue .

"You know she said you were stupid for not calling earlier" mark said, I laughed "Nope I don't know any type of spanish " he laughed too .

"She's on the phone nick " my mother screamed, I laughed cause honestly i missed her screaming.

"Sasha were coming to see--" she started breaking up, "Ma i can't hear you, I Love you " and the car phone hung up on its own .

"My bad it does that " mark said while pulling up to this big ass Kardashion type house, "Its ok but where are we" I said looking around .

"This is my families spring house, I was thinking we could celebrate here." I looked him up and down, "what you mean by celebrate"

"Trust me" he said while getting out of the car .

I walked into the house and it was not a soul in it but it felt like home .

Mark walked in with some suit cases like we were on a vacation or some shit.

"What's all this? " he looked around the house like he's never seen it before.

"I was thinking about moving here"

I sighed , "All by your self" he shrugged his shoulders .

I wandered the house a little bit and met back up with mark, I know i said met back up that's cause the house was fucking huge.

Mark was on the couch laying down in the living room watching my favorite movie of all time, Yes lord Love and basketball . I layed down next to him and put my head on his shoulders, "This is my favorite movie" I semi screamed .

He laughed and i kissed him and yep this time on the lips, he looked at me shocked and i thought i did something wrong until he kissed me back harder . He crept on top of me and started kissing my neck lord knows neck kissing is my weakness.

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