Chapter 12

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"Um Hi guys" i said while pulling the shirt down. My mom gave me a cold look, "sasha you have 5 seconds to go put some clothes on"

I quickly ran into my room and my mom and my stepdad just let their self in . I slipped some panties and some tights on.

I walked in the living room to my mom searching, and my step dad Nick making his self comfortable on my couch. "I wasn't expecting y'all" i said while walking towards my mom who was all in my kitchen drawers. She gave me a light smile and tried to act like she was just looking around. I gave my mom a hug and my step dad nick a light wave, "im glad you guys came." They both smiled and my mom sat on the couch next to Nick, I guess that was the sign to come sit down and talk about life because both of them looked at me as if i had things to tell them . I gave a fake grin and sat on the couch across from them.

Nick ended the silence "So how's it been going, have you done any photoshoots ?"

"Yes well I had my first one yesterday, it went real great"

"Its been okay here but I just miss some little things from home"

My mom smiled "speaking of home that little nice boy, you know the one you call your bestfriend."

I sucked my teeth "mom you know his name"

she sighed "I think it chris or trey, but anyway every since you've been gone he's been at my door like your gonna magically just appears back home"

I smiled, it was good knowing Chris missed me just as much as i missed him.

We talked about life for about a whole hour and it actually went great. No one argued, no one made one another mad, it was just good.

They left like 2 hours ago, I told them they could stay with me in the guest room but they insisted they get a hotel room, nasty asses.

I layed on the couch and watched reruns of basketball wives until someone magically texted my phone. I blocked all Mark punk ass calls, smh how you just gone leave.

He ain't even leave a little letter or note , you know like off the movies.

Daniel texted me and wasn't really talking bout nothing but me coming to his house. Chris called me earlier when i was talking to my mom and nick, I wasn't gone return that though cause i dont know.

I just don't think its my place anymore to call him all the time, he has a whole baby on the way.

A baby that i know he gone take care of regardless of the situation with the mother or with me.

I don't know i just don't think he should be missing appointments and other shit for me .

My pictures had came in from the photoshoot and they were amazing.

I posted a few of them on Instagram

and mark commented as soon as i posted them .

He commented call me on all the ones I posted, so i did.

It rung twice and he picked up.

"What" I said trying to sound mad.

"What's wrong with you"

I sucked my teeth "What do you want Mark"

His voice got deep, I guess he was getting mad.

"Oh nothing its just you should've been here at this photoshoot two hours ago"

I sighed "I'm so sorry, ill be there in twenty minutes.

I quickly got in my new and improved car i had got a few days after i got signed. Mark texted me the address and I put in my gps thing. It took me 30 minutes to get there and when I got in all eyes were on me. I quickly got into hair and makeup, the photographer and the director came in being all friendly they kissed my hand and everything . I don't understand why everybody else was mad when the photographer and director wasn't.

The director gave me some little dresses and ordered somebody to help me put them on like i didn't  know how to. After i got dressed i went to go talk to mark while the photographer was tying up all the loose ends. He was sitting down at a table looking mad and probably on instagram.

"Hi" I said while sitting next to him.

He didn't even look up, I scooted

a little closer . "I said hey" He didn't budge. I looked around to see if anyone was watching and I slipped his hand under my dress.

He looked up and licked his lips, you could tell he wanted to fuck right then and there on that table.

He rubbed my thigh and was slowly making his way inside my panties, the bitch ass photographer ruined that. "okay Ms.Sasha we need you on set".

I didn't even wanna shoot anymore, i just wanted to go in the dressing room and fuck Mark. I looked at Mark the whole time while we were shooting it was like we were having sex in our minds or some shit .

"These are great" the director and the photographer said together .

I smiled and headed to dressing room to change.

I was wiping all the makeup and taking off the eye lashes when mark walked in.

He didn't waist no time, he locked the door and pinned me against the wall. He kissed my lips, then my neck, then my chest. Little moans started breaking from my mouth and every time he kissed me they got louder and louder.

"shhhh" he said while half way covering my mouth, he stopped kissing and just stared in my eyes. Right then and there i realized that this wasn't just sex we were making love. He lifted up my dress and slipped my panties off . His hands were cold and gave me chills everytime he rubbed my clit .

My eyes were closed now and he was making me feel so good.

*Authors notes *

I got writers block, Help me!!

cause this wasn't much


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