Clenched heart 💜- Part 17

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Next day.. At office..

Resa : Hi Lia

Lia : Hey Resa.. How's you

Resa : Good lia..

Chris interrupted..

Chris : Resa go do your work.. No chit chats in working hours..

Resa bowed to him and went

Lia :( Lia is not seeing him but) what is my work ❓

Chris : Lia.. Iam sorry for what i have done...

Without letting him complete his sentence

Lia : You're just my co staff.. So , Manager sir.. Could you please tell my work. Or else i can ask straight to boss.

Chris felt guilty and he told you the work.

Lia didn't care and doing her work..

In working hours..

Lia got a call..

📞HELEN : Bhoo Bhoo !

📞Lia : ( laughing ) Helen iam scared ( laughing again]

📞HELEN : ( smiles ) what you doing ❓

📞LIA : At office

📞HELEN : Oh Okkey..

📞LIA : Helen tomorrow is my day of. Weekend.. Did you remember the promise you did me yesterday ❓..

📞HELEN : ofcourse miss. How can i forget ! I'll take you out tomorrow..

📞LIA : Ok then.. I'll call you late.. I have lot of works.. As i took i week leave. My shift is increased. I have to work till 11pm for 7 days. Including today

📞HELEN : OMG !! I thought your boss was cool.. No he is not.. 😑..

📞LIA : ( laughing ) Ok bye...

📞HELEN : Bye Lia. Take care.

( call ended )

You're still smiling and doing your work.

At Helen's home.

He's getting ready to go the shop as he need to buy some art supplies.

At art shop

Helen is buying.Suddenly someone called him.. He turned..

Helen : Chris ❓......

Now both are in a coffee shop sitting opposite to each other.

Helen didn't behave rude to him or scold him for what he have done..

Chris is feeling guilty..

Chris : Iam... Iam sorry Helen.. I didn't mean to do this to you.. Iam sorry.. I shouldn't have done this.. Iam sorry.. ( crying in guilt )

Helen didn't gave any responce. He just glaring at him..

Chris : I know you will not talk.. But you're too good with lia.. Iam happy for her. She's happy.. Take care of her.. I was... I didn't mean to do it Helen.. Iam sorry.. I have loved Lia for three years. And i got rejected by her.. In that case i was hurted bad. I got anger issues helen.. Sorry.. Lia is still mad about me.. I was wrong. I knew. Iam sorry.. ( crying )

Helen :( Took a long breathe and nodding his head ) I just want to assure you a thing. Lia is not yours.. Not only her.. Any girl in the world. No one is yours without their love and permission.

Chris : ( nodding his head )

Helen is walked away.. He went to that shop again..

Chris came to see Helen by getting 2 hrs permission in office.. Now he went to office again.

( chris is really feeling bad for what he have done.. He is regretting every minute , He is not bad.. He is also a human. He got anger issues. )

Chris while leaving the office at 5pm.. He came to your table and stood..

You glared at him..

Lia : what ❓

Chris : Iam sorry Lia.

Lia : No ! I can't accept chris.. ( she stood up )

CHRIS : Lia iam sorry..

Lia : Stop ! Please stop.. ( with tears ). I'll never forget what you did.. One week chris.. One week i was crying , searching ,.. Everything in front of you.. But... You know everything.. But you did acted like you're helping me.. Chris.. How ❓ how can i forget these things ?

Boss : What's the problem here.

Chris : Nothing boss.. Iam leaving..

He left..

Lia : Sorry boss.. ( she wiped her tears and started working )..

11pm.. You got in to the car.. You saw your phone, helen messaged you

You did call him.. And driving the car .

📞HELEN : lia ?

📞LIA : yes ,Helen what's the matter ...

📞HELEN : about chris

📞LIA : what about him ❓

📞Helen : he came to meet me today.. ( helen told everything )

📞LIA : Hmm

📞HELEN : what ❓.. i think he is not that bad..

📞Lia : Hm yeah.. He's not.. He has anger issues. He'll do all the things and regret later.

📞HELEN : You know this na.. Then why are you avoiding him ?..

📞LIA : No helen.. I trusted him more that anything.. He is my only friend.. He broke all my trust.. Leave it.. I'll talk to him one day.. I came home..

📞HELEN: hmm.. Ok Gud night Lia.. Take care..

📞LIA : ( whispering ) You too

📞HELEN : ( laughing)

( Call ended )

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