Clenched heart 💜- Part 67

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After funeral at jessie's home

Helen and Lia Took the whole financial condition of jessie's mom funeral..

Jessie : Its ok helen i can Take care

Helen : Keep quiet.. We can do anything for you.. You first take care of you jessie..

Lia : Yes jessie,  Please take care of you.. Don't put yourself in a depression.. Okay..

Jessie (with sad face) : I'll try

While they talking.. Someone came to jessie and bowed

Jessie:  Hey Ken

Ken : Sorry jessie , I was stucked in UK.. Iam so sorry

Jessie got teared up...

Ken : Sorry jessie.. I can't even give a moral support to you.. Iam so sorry..

Jessie : It's ok ken.. This is my cousin Helen  (pointing helen )

Helen and ken bowed at each other

Jessie : This Is Lia.. Helen's girlfriend soon to be his wife.. ( pointing lia )

Lia smiled and bowed at him

Jessie : Lia and Helen, This is my fiance

Lia and Helen got shocked

Lia : Whoa ! My gurl.. You didn't even tell to us..

Jessie ( with worried face ) : Marriage arrangement made by mom.. ( with tears in her eyes )

Lia : Omg jessie don't cry... Already to cried a lot...

Ken : Don't worry lia.. I will take care of her.. We are moving to our home ( holding Jessie's shoulder )

Jessie looking at ken with her widened eyes..

Jessie : ken, No

Ken : Shhh ! You , Your father moving with us.. No other words Okay..

Jessie : But Ken..

Ken : Please jessie.. Let me take care of you.. Please.. I can't see you like this..

Helen : Yes jessie You should have a moral support, Moreover he is your fiance..

Jessie looked down and nodded

Lia : Ahh !.. I got a big relief jessie.. Now its all gone..

Meanwhile Resa and Chris

They are staying ina hotel

Resa : booking two separate rooms ❓

Chris:  Yes,..

Resa : Whyy

Chris : what is this question..  One for you and one for me..

Resa : Chris are you serious..

Chris : Why Resa, we always book like that

Resa : Aishh dumboo... Those times iam your employee.. Now iam your fiance, girl friend,  lover..

Chris : Oh My god.. I forgot.. Wait..


CHRIS : 😂😂🤣 Aishh ( pinching Resa's cheeks ) Just kidding my queen.. I did booked only one room for us..

Resa : Arrghh ! You... (She started beating him.. )

And it went like that...

At orphan..

Sam didn't laugh these two days..

Sam keep on thinking about Helen and Lia.. He is more happy with them..

He cried alone more times..

He can't express his feelings to anyone.. This little heart holds more feelings..

Lia and Helen got ready to move from their.. They are returning to their town now..

Lia : Ok jessie.. Take care sweetie..

Lia hugged jessie.. And comforted her

Helen : If anything needed just call us.. We are always for youu..

Kelen : don't worry helen.. I will take care of her.. She will be Okay from now..

Helen : Glad to hear.. ( smiled)

Helen and Lia went from there..

While driving..

Lia : Helen.. I got a call fom Resa..

Helen : Oh..

Lia : let me call her back

Helen : Okay

Lia : No i will call her later

Helen : what happen lia.. You look so tired.. May be because of lack of sleep

Lia : ( nodded ) and leaned her head on helen's shoulder..

Helen smiled..

She slowly fell asleep in his arms..

He kissed her forehead..

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