Clenched heart 💜 - Part 29

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Helen : Finished ❓.. Can i talk now..

Lia : ( looking at Helen.. But she is still crying like a kid )

Helen : (tears in his eyes ).. First of all. Iam extremely sorry lia.. I shouldn't let you feel like that.. But i didn't ignored you lia.. I did tried to contact you.. I did tried to see you but... But no use lia.. ( crying ) Iam.... Iam the one... Who got ignored lia.. ( tears are rolling in her eyes ).. You know ❓ I never felt this way.. I will never care about anyone who talks to me or not.. But.. you.. I can't leave you just like that lia... What you have said.. ❓.. Did i ignored you ❓.. ( crying) I can't take this Lia.. But.. Iam sorry.. Iam really sorry for what you have felt..

Lia is crying hard..

Helen : (tears) the person is you who ignored.. Not me lia.. Whenever i made a call you will say iam busy or call you later or you will never pick my call.. (Tears are rolling ) After this.. You can be whatever you want.. I won't force you... I won't call you lia.. I won't disturb you.. I never felt this way for anybody... Literally anyone in this world.. I just... I just wanted to be good with you.. Iam sorry lia.. I didn't lied to you lia.. It's true that i don't have anyone.. Iam an orphan.. Even though i have cousin and their parents.. I don't want them in my life.. I won't talk to them because of the cruel things they did to my mom.. Jessie is the only person who don't bother me or tease me.. So, she is the only person i talk to....

Lia : ( shocked by his words.. )

Helen  ; but.. But the thing is.. Not because of jessie.. Why Lia.. She.. She is just my cousin.. She is.. Lia i was unable to explain you.. ( crying.. ) lia.. She.. She is my cousin.. But.. You.."" Lia you're more than her "' lia.. ( crying hard )

Lia is also crying very hard after his words.. She facing her head down.. She didn't know what to do.. She felt like she lost her world..

Helen : ( he can't see Lia like this.. Its hurting him alot.. )

Helen : yes lia... You're..... You're more than her lia..more than anything lia... You... You mean the world to me lia.. I.. I struggled alot without seeing and hearing your voice... It was more like a hell to me lia...  ( crying )

Helen : ( crying and )... I.... I... I literally fell for you Lia..  ( crying hard )...

Lia is shocked by his words.. She looked at him..

Helen : I...i.. Do love yoy lia.. ( saying to lia while tears in his eyes ).. From the first.. I.. I didn't know that i will fell this hard for you...but.. But you made me to.. ( crying )

Other side.. Lia is also crying so hard while closing her mouth...

Helen : ( nodding as yes ).. I.. Was... Scared.. I was scared as hell of losing you lia.. I.. I don't want to lose you lia.. I need...i need you through out my life... You mean much to me lia.. You're my world.. ( crying ).. You're the only person i love the most in this whole world lia..

Lia :( she didn't utter a single word.. But keep on crying.. She is surprised as well as shocked.. )

Helen : Please Lia.. Don't do this to me... It.. It hurts.. Alot.. Iam.. Iam sorry.. I will never make you feel like this here after.. But.. Don't leave me Lia.. Please ( he did kneeled down and cried hard ).. Please... Please don't leave me lia.. I can't... Take that.. I can't live without you.. Be like before.. How you used to talk,. I need that talking tom.. ( crying ).. When i was silent, you made me talk and you made me fell for you.. Now... Now iam begging you to talk.. You're keeping silence with you..  ( crying ) Please don't be like this lia.. I do love you alot lia.. ( crying)

Helen : just like my mom. !!! I love you more than anything Lia.. I can do whatever for you.. But.. I can't leave you.. At.. At any cost.. I"ll be with you forever... I promise you Lia.. You.. You can trust me.. I never cheat you or.. I never make you feel low.. I'll protect you ( crying )...

Lia : ( still she is crying hard , the unexpected things happen )

Helen : Lia ❓... Just trust me.. I don't want to leave you for a third person..  I.. Really love you alot lia.. Don't just leave me like this... You're my world.. I promise you. I will be with you forever.. I can leave anything.. Literally anything for you.. If you say !.. Only You important for me.. (He is still kneeling down and crying and talking to her )

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