clenched heart 💜- part 50

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Lia : Aish.. Why are you sad now.. Tell me what to do..

A smile appeared on Chris's face..

Chris placed a box on lia's hands.. And lia got it..

Lia : ( with confused face ) What is this...

Chris : You have any idea 😉😜

Lia : I think it is love letters.. Isn't it ❓

Chris : Aish ! No.. Its a dress.. For Resa.. Just make her to wear this please..

Lia: But chris.. How..

Chris : Please lia.. See what she wore.. Its not at all matching to mine.. So i bought this dress fot her with full of my love..please do help me nah.. Pleaseee...pleasee.. You're my only friend ... ( with puppu eyes )

Lia : Aww ! So sweet of you chris.. Ok i will do it for you... But how..

Chris : Yeah come here .. ( he told something to her secretly)

Lia : Nice idea.. Wow ! Chris.. Finally you fell in love with her.. Iam happy for you both..

Chris :Ok.. Now don't waste my precious time , Go soon... ( he told and went )

Lia : Aish.. He is still the same.. Changing his face and mindset suddenly.. Such a Psychopath

She murmured and kept that box aside and came towards Resa..

Resa was siting in the chair and seeing here and there..

Lia saw a server serving juices to everyone..

Lia mv : Sorry Resa forgive me to spoil your dress..

Lia slightly collided with the server and he spill all the juice in Resa's dress..

Resa : Ahh ! ( she shouted )

Everyone in the hall looking at her..

Lia : Hey Resa.. Come with me

Resa : where

Lia : just come

Lia grabbed her hands and took her to the room where she kept that dress

Resa : Omg ! This shit.. What should i do now

Lia gave the box to her

Resa : what is this

Lia : Dress

Resa : For what

Lia : AISH ! Whats with this question.. Your dress is completely spoiled now.. You have to change... You can't come out like this..

Resa : Yes lia your right.. I can't come like this.. I have to change.. But... What is this.. Who gave you this.. How did you get this dress..

Lia : Ahm.... Um.. That... It was... ( in her mind : Omg ! Chris.. You didn't tell me this thing ).. Umm... Resa.. This.. This dress is... Aish ! Why do you care.. Just change .

Resa is glaring at her

Lia : Hey.. Its its my friend... She came here.. She.. She gifted me this.. But.. you can take it..

Resa: Aww ! Thank you Lia.. Where to change..

Lia :Hm.. ( pointing the washroom )

Resa: Ok..

She went and changer herself.. And came out.. She didn't saw Lia there..

And the room's light of turned off.. She checked the switch..but it doesn't work..

Resa:Liaa.. Liaaa

She called her name.. But no response..

Resa thought of leaving that room..

So she came out.. But.... The hall was full dark.. No one was seen...

Resa: Omg ! What is this.. Iam i dreaming or what..

She rubbed her eyes and went downstairs..

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