Clenched heart 💜- Part 57

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Helen and Lia are in the hospital.. Jessie's mom attained consciousness..

Nurse : Yeah, You can see her.. But not disturb by showing your emotions..

Jessie : yeah Thanks..

Jessie lia Helen and jessie's father entered the room where jessie's mom in resting..

Jessie : Mom !!

Jessie's mom tried to open her eyes and tears rolling down from her eyes..

Jessie hold her hand and..

Jessie : Mom , I want to tell you something..

Jessie's mom : ( nodded her head )

Jessie : I... I... I will.... Get married... Iam.. Iam ok.. Iam ready now... ( tears falling from her eyes )

Jessie's mom was very happy.. She can't control her happiness.. She nodded her head to lean.. And kissed jessie's forehead..

Helen saw Lia.. Lia nodded her head.. And both of them smiled at each other..

Jessie's father : Heyyy ! Wow ! Mom Daughter dayyy !.. How sweet.. ( he shouted a bit ).

The nurse came in and said.. ' don't make any noise please '

Jessie's father bowed at her and said sorry..

Everyone laughed at him

Jessie's mom also smiled.. She called Lia to come front..

Lia came and sat behind her..

Jessie's mom hold lia's hand..

Jessie's mom : Thank you child.. I know it was you.. Who made her agree

Lia's eyes widened..

Lia : How.. How did yoy know..

Jessie's mom : ( smiled ) You told me that day.. I remember..

Lia : AH... ( Smiled and hugged her..) Take care mom.. Don't stress too much.. If you need anything just call me.. I will take care of you..

Helen smiled at them..

Jessie's mom nodded her head and she talked with Helen also.. Everyone was happy that jessie agreed to marriage..

In that time.. Helen phone was ringing.. He attended the call with happy face and then the smile faded..

Lia : what happen Helen..

Helen : Gra...Grandma...

Lia's eyes Widened

Lia : Is anything happen to granny ❓ ( the barber shop granny )

Helen : No.. Its.. Its.. Grandma.. ( his eyes filled with tears)..

Lia : The one who raised you in the orphan ❓

Helen nodded his head.. His eyes are tearing up.

Lia : What happen to her..

Helen : she.. She is serious.. She had a mild tumour before now.. It became serious.. They said that... That..she can survive for 1 or 2 days..

Lia was shocked and worried..

Lia : Hel.. Helen..

Helen is controlling his tears..

Jessie : Oh my god ! You both please leave.. Helen, she is very important for you.. Please go.. Go take care of her.. Speak to her.. She will be pleased to see you.. You are like her first child helen.. Please go !

Helen looked at jessie's mom

Jessie : I will take care of mom..

Jessie's mom : Iam alright Dear.. You can go.. Don't worry about me..

Lia : then we can leave..

Helen : ( nodded his head and bowed to everyone)

Helen and Lia came out of the hospital.. Helen took his car and both sat in the car.. He can't even start the car.. His hands are shivering as hell..

Lia hold his hands..

Lia : Helen.. She will be alright.. We can see her.. Don't worry dear please..

Helen can't controll his emotions anymore.. He burst into tears.. Lia patted his arms..

Lia was worried to see him like this..

Lia got out from the car and..

Lia : I will drive.. Move..

Helen moved to the seat and lia drove the car..

Helen leaned in the car's window and looking out..

Helen : she.. She is my mom lia..

Lia was worried about him..

Helen : She.. She is my mom. She raised me like her own child.. How can she leave me like this.. ( crying )

Lia made his head to lean on her shoulder..

Helen cried harder..

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