Clenched heart 💜- part 31

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Meanwhile.. Jessie in the railway station..

She talked to helen while controlling all her emotions.. ( she did loved Helen )..

She is standing there with tears in her eyes..

Flash back..*

When helen went to see lia..
Jessie in Helen's home.

She roamed around the house.. And enjoying helen's photos and paintings.. She went to helen's room..

Jessie : Omg.. He never let me in.. I want to explore his room..

She went inside..
Suddenly her eyes saw a locket..

She took it and opened with all of her joy.. But... 

Her eyes teared up.. Seeing helen and lia together in that locket...

Her heart skipped a beat

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Her heart skipped a beat.. She fell down..

Jessie : No.. No.. It can't be.. Nooooooo... Noooo.... ( crying while her hands in her head )

Her hands are shaking... She stood up and saw a locked box in the table..

She opened it...
The box is full of.. Letters, that he wrote for lia, lia's paintings , that was done by helen.. And some tiny gifts he bought for her..

Jessie is crying alot.. Closing her mouth.. Her heart clenched 💔

Jessie : Lia.. It.. It was lia.. !! ( crying )

After sometime.. She sat on that table and started writing a letter..

She kept that letter in helen's room.. And left the home.. Took all her stuffs..


At present.. * in railway station..

Jessie is got angry and she is emotionally broken down.. !! She threw her phone in the railway track.. She left....


He went to his mother's photo frame and..  He got teared up..

Helen :  mom ! I.. I... Did confessed... Lia.. Lia accepted me.. Mom.. Iam so happy !.. Your son did it.. ( smiles ... he is very happy roaming around the home.. He took lia's picture and slept in the couch )

He didn't notice the letter that jessie leaved for him..


Next morning..

Resa and chris.. Reached town. ! They are in the office right know..

Boss : Aww ! You guys are really amazing.. And Resa.. I thought you couldn't do this... But you worked out it..

Resa : ( nodding and smiling proudly.. )

Boss : Is Resa did good at work.. ( he is asking chris )

Resa : ( gulped and thinking what and all she did )

Chris : Yes boss.. She did contributed a lot.. She worked without hesitating anything.. She did everything i told her.. And didn't gave any annoyance to me.. ( smiles )..

Resa : ( surprisingly looked at chris.. And smiled with her eyes..) She did felt really happy

Boss : Ok.. You guys may leave now...take care both of you.. You can come office after two days.. !!

Resa and chris bowed and left..

At the out of office

Resa : Hey ! Why did yoy saved me.. I did everything wrong and got scold from you.. I even scolded you.. And disrespected you.. I did annoyed you.. Why you didn't tell anything to boss.. And you told totally opposite..

Chris : ( smiles whiles opening his car's door.) How will you go home ❓

Resa : Hmm.. May be by bus.. Or i should call my dad..

Chris : ( thinking ).. I'll drop you.. Get in..

Resa : really !.. Ok then.. ( smiles )

Both are in car..

Chris : i didn't told anything inverse to boss.. I was right.. Really you did your best.. I never saw an employee with this much curiosity.. ( smiles )

Resa : ( she did smiled proudly )

They both went to resa's home.. She invited chris to come in.. Without hesitating chris agreed !!



Lia woke up from her bed and called helen..

📞HELEN : Bhoo Bhoo 👻..

📞LIA : Awww ! It's been so many days since i heard this from you.. I really missed those things..

📞HELEN : ( smiles ) what you're Doing

📞LIA : Ahh ! Just woke up.. I want to go office.. ( sad tone )

📞HELEN : Aww ! don't worry honey..

📞LIA : ( blushed hard ) Ho.. Honey ❓

📞HELEN : ( smiles ) Yeah.. !

📞LIA : Ok.. I'll go ready for office.. We..we.wil meet today.. Evening..

📞HELEN : ( he noted that she is shuttering while talking ) Ok.. Byee.. ( smiles)

( Call ended )

Lia got out from her bed and..
Looked in the mirror..

Lia : ( placed her hands in her face ) Omg ! Iam i blushing... Oohhhh my godd ! Iam i found my lovee...

She shocked and looking in the mirror.. ( she is so cute between)

She is enjoying the moment. !.. She again rolling in the bed... 🤭

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