Clenched heart 💜 - part 26

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Next day At Office

Lia is doing her work..
She got a call

📞Lia : Helo ❓

📞CHRIS ; Lia, iam chris..

📞LIA : Oh chris.. It's your new number huh ❓

📞CHRIS : Yeah, how are you Lia..

📞LIA : I'm good chris.. How's you.. How your works are going..

📞CHRIS : I'm fine.. My works , It's getting delayed coz of this Resa.. ( resa glaring at him.. She is sitting next to him )

📞LIA : Why what's with her..

📞CHRIS ; Oh my god Lia.. She didn't know anything..

( resa went out of the room, chris is laughing at her )

📞CHRIS : It's okay.. She is learning bit by bit.. But i think it will take five more days.. She is more like youu..

📞LIA : Really ❓

( in btw the convo Lia got a call from Helen.. But she just ignored it.. )

📞CHRIS : Yes, she is always late.. 🤭

📞 LIA : yahhh !  🤨🤨

📞CHRIS ; 😂😂

📞LIA.: ( laughing )

📞CHRIS ; OK Lia i'll call you later.. We need to go..

📞LIA : Hmm Ok..

( call ended ) Chris made you little tense free..

After 5pm you came to take you car and someone grabbed your hand..

Lia : " Helen " ❓❓

Helen : Yes its me.. ( With an serious face )

Lia : What.. Why are you here..

Helen : Lia what happened to you.. Why you didn't attend my call.. You were not normal for continuous 2 days.. Why ❓

He touched your forehead to see if you're ill..  But Lia took his hand.. And said..

Lia : I'm alright now..

Between Helen got a call..


HELEN Declined the call..

Lia : didn't you attend the call ❓

Helen : No it's jessie , I'll go home and talk to her..

Lia got shocked.. Lia in her mind ( she said she won't use phone )

Lia : Hm. okey.. Go home.. I.. I need to take rest..  Byee.. Take care..

Lia took her car and left
Helen was clueless there..

Lia in her car..

Lia : why ! Why is this thing happening for me.. Oh my god ! ( tears in her eyes )
Did she lied to me.. ( crying )..( She stopped the car ) I thought she is loyal to me.. I thought she is more like a sister to me.. But....  But.. No... No one is for me...  ( crying )..

Lia is so much hurted.. The peoples who she think good , loyal , friends are just destroying her mentally.. No one is pure around her..

Lia at her hime..

She didn't eat that night and fell asleep while crying..


Helen and jessie

Helen aggressively came home and Called jessie..

Helen : Hey ! Can't you be serious.. Why did you call me that many times.. ❓

Jessie : I.. I was..  Helen..

Helen:Don't you know i will come home❓

Jessie : I know.. But..

Helen went to his room..


Resa and chris..

They are walking on the streets after working hours.. Returning to the hotel..

Resa and chris walking to gether..

Resa felt something uncomfortable she told chris.. They both saw back, A drunken man with teared shirt is walking behind them..

He started teasing Resa..

Drunken man : Hey lady what's your name..

Resa got angry and glaring at him.. Chris grabbed resa's hand and pulled her that side..

Drunken man : Oh n you're so beautiful !

Resa : ( she is still glaring at him )

Drunken man : hey lady.. Are you free tonight..

Chris got angry and punched him on the face.. Resa was suprised.. He didn't let him go and continuously beating him..

Resa : hey chris.. We can go now.. It's okay come.. It's dangerous here..

Chris : (Left him.. )

But that drunken man's people came their and surrounded chris and Resa

Chris and resa don't know what to do.. They gulped out of fear !..

Then chris showed his eyes to run..

Chris and Resa hold their hands together and started running..

They running.. And the behind they are chasing them...

While running.. Resa threw her slippers 😂

Chris : 😂 Hey idiot.. Run fast..

They running running running.. And finally reached the hotel.. The rays left them in the half.. So they escaped..

Chris and Resa : panting heavily..

Chris : Wow ! Nice experience !

Resa : ( Smiling ) 😂 yes !..

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