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I'm updating after a hundred years lol! Exams.

The ancient Korean orphanage held a powerful influence over the royal family of Korea. Its walls, adorned with intricate paintings and sculptures, stood as a symbol of tradition and wisdom. For generations, the royal family had relied on the orphanage's wise counsel, enshrining a rule that all major decisions must be approved by them first. Even in matters of marriage, the orphanage had a say in choosing suitable partners for the royal family.  From choosing suitable marriage partners to major political decisions, the orphanage played a vital role. And today, they were gathered to decide who would become the wife of Prince Jeon.

As Jeon entered the grand hall of the Palace, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and obligation. This institution was founded by his great grandfather, and its legacy and responsibility now rested on his shoulders. But as he took his seat at the head of the table, surrounded by his cousins and brothers and other officials, his thoughts were quickly interrupted by the arrival of some stunning women.

First came Lisa, her beauty radiating like a beacon in the room. Her glossy hair fell down her back in soft waves and her delicate features were enhanced by her rosy blush. As she made her way to her seat, all eyes were drawn to her in admiration. However, amidst all the admiration, Jennie couldn't help but feel worried. There was another princess in attendance – Park Chaeyoung from Australia. Known for her extraordinary beauty and strong-willed personality, it was rumored that she had feelings for Jeon and wanted to marry him. Jungkook shared Jennie's concern, knowing firsthand how fierce and competitive Chaeyoung could be.

But then came Park Chaeyoung from Australia, known for her extraordinary beauty and strong-willed personality. Her entrance was bold and enchanting, dressed in a striking Dior piece that only added to her natural allure. Rumors had been circulating about her potential feelings for Jeon, and Jennie couldn't help but worry about this new threat to Lisa's heart.As the evening progressed, it became clear that Chaeyoung was determined to make an impression on Jeon. She confidently answered questions from reporters and commanded attention with every move she made. It was no surprise that she had a large fanbase who eagerly supported her pursuit of Jeon's affections.

The first event of the ball was a dance, with Jungkook dressed in traditional Korean attire leading the way down the stairs. As the prince, he was not expected to dance with every lady present – an impossible task., but that didn't stop Chaeyoung from boldly asking for a dance with him. Her honest and direct approach caught Jeon off guard, but he couldn't deny the attraction he felt towards her. ''May I offer a dance to the prince?'' She asked instead of being shy in front of him. She was honest and bold, also she was ready to show her characteristics to him. If he had to like her, she had to be honest.

Meanwhile, Lisa was left to dance with Baekhyun, a cousin of Jungkook known for his excellence in Korean works. But as they swayed to the music, Jimin's warm smile and charming conversation quickly captured her attention, leaving Baekhyun as a mere background figure in their captivating exchange. 

Chaeyoung's heart fluttered as she watched Jungkook pay attention to the hair strand behind her, a small smile playing on his lips. She couldn't help but ask, "Is the prince seeing someone?"His response was like a punch to her gut. "Sorry Chaeyoung, I'm seeing someone. If you don't mind, I would like to proceed." She forced a tight-lipped smile and nodded, feeling disappointment wash over her.

As he made his way towards his crush Lisa, Jimin moved away from their group. Chaeyoung couldn't help but glance back at him, knowing him only as the sad brother of Jeons. But then, as if the world had turned upside down, Jimin came up to her and asked for a dance. "May I have you princess?" His request left her stunned - who would have thought that the somber guy could also be a skilled dancer?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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