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It was truly an accident Jeongin didn't mean to walk in on seungmin. He planned on surprising the older man with a visit to watch movies together or simply play games until there was no longer a trace of daylight outside.

He always visited Seungmin out of the blue. He always used the spare key the older gave him and came into the cozy apartment whenever he wanted. Seungmin never had a problem with it; it was the opposite. Every time the younger would surprise Seungmin the older man's face would light up and we would bounce in his step while he ran to hug Jeongin.

That's how it always went so when Jeongin swung the door of the apartment open and he didn't see the older man jump up to greet him he was slightly confused. He knew the man was home and he even double-checked with their mutual friend before he came over.

Walking further into the apartment he didn't find Seungmin in the kitchen or the living room so it only left 3 places the older man could be; the bathroom, bedroom, or balcony. He put down the games he had brought over on the kitchen island and made his way through the small apartment.

As he walked across the living room and started to go down the hallway he could see Seungmins room door slightly open with the golden hues that could only be coming from Seungmins window shining out into the dark hallway.

He walked up to the door and threw it open excited to see the older man before stepping back into the hallway with his mouth slightly open and his stomach doing somersaults.

Seungmin was sitting in the middle of his full bed, slumping against his calves with his white sheets and comforter tousled around him. The older man was naked and the same golden hues that were previously peaking through his door had colored his bare skin in beautiful shades. His dark brown hair was thrown over his eyes, the same eyes that were staring into Jeongins.

He couldn't help but keep looking at the older man. He was so beautiful as the colors from outside painted his skin and his face contorted with pleasure. His hand was moving mindlessly around his cock as his legs were shaking at the feeling of what Jeongin could only see the base of even then he could still tell what it was.

There was a dildo stuffed up the older man's ass and knowing this made Jeongins knees want to give out. He never wanted to look away and that made him feel sick to his stomach. But he still didn't look away; instead, he dragged his eyes across Seungmin's body before meeting the man's eyes again.

Jeongin couldn't help but think his friend was beautiful like this, his eyes glossed over with a dazed look as he started rolling his hips against the toy that was buried inside him and his hand still moving against his cock.

He was still looking at Jeongin but he didn't say a word neither of them did. It seemed like the older man didn't care at all that his childhood best friend was watching him masturbate. Jeongins own breath picked up as he watched his friend drag his bottom lip between his teeth and tears started to stream from his eyes.

Jeongin could feel himself getting hard in his pants as he continued to watch the older man fuck himself on the toy but all the sickness and disgust he felt about himself seemed to dissolve when he heard Seungmin call his name in a breathy whimper.

"Jeongin..c-come here.." Every word the older man spoke was soft and airy and Jeongin found himself moving closer to his friend's bed without being able to process what was even said.

He didn't know what his friend would want but he figured he was about to be told off for watching and not walking away like a normal person would do. He wasn't looking at Seungmin anymore, he was looking at the ground with his head hung low "Yes Seungmin?" The words were quiet and hesitant.

Seungmins eyes weren't as clouded and dazed now but they were soft while looking at the nervous boy standing at the foot of his bed "Jeongin go get me that towel" It wasn't at all what Jeongin was expecting but he looked up and saw that the older man's hand was extended as he pointed towards the towel hanging atop his closet door.

He scrambled to the door and pulled the towel down hurrying to give it to his friend. When he handed it to Seungmin the older man didn't say anything and just took it in his hand before moving his focus back to his fiery red and leaking cock.

Jeongins eyes went back to watching his friend grind down on his toy having gotten tired of bouncing and for a second he thought he would pass out when he looked up and Seungmin had the hand that wasn't on his cock in his mouth and sucking on his own fingers.

It was something Jeongin would never guess himself to be into but the way the older man's drool was running down his forearm as his tongue weaved in between the three fingers in his mouth was something Jeongin wanted to be burned into his brain and the way his friend looked more fucked out from having something in his mouth than he had looked the whole time riding that stupid toy made Jeongin want to cum in his pants completely untouched.

And when the older man's breath got faster and he started whining around his fingers, his legs shaking as the feeling of an Orgasm ran through his body cum shooting onto his stomach. If Jeongin did cum in his pants untouched because of that it was only for him to know.

He watched the older man grab the towel he previously asked for and wipe his body free of cum before pulling himself off the dildo he had been riding less than 3 minutes ago and wrapping the towel around that as well.

He was very obviously still out of breath when he next spoke "Jeongin.. Can you please get me some clothes to wear while I hop in the shower? Then when I'm finished we can do whatever you came to do" The way he spoke so casually after what just happened scared Jeongin and relaxed him all at the same time.

"Yeah, I got it.." He looked into Seungmin's eyes for no more than a second before turning to the older man's closest and looking for his friend's clothes to wear. "And Jeongin.. We're talking about this when I get out." Those few words made Jeongin sick all over again.

He heard the older man walk out of the room and soon after the water turning on followed so he was quick to finish getting his friend's clothes and settings them on the bed he also didn't forget to chuck his pants down and change his boxers into one of the many pairs he had at the older man's house from all the times he has stayed over.

He threw the cum dirtied pair into the dirty clothes basket that was his to use whenever he stayed. He knew his friend wouldn't be in the shower too long not wanting to waste water so he walked out of the room as casually as he could after everything that had happened and made his way to the couch he was so familiar with.

He was scared shitless about what his friend would say to him when he was done washing up and it started eating away at him the more he thought about it so he turned on the TV for a distraction he desperately needed, deciding it would be better than waiting in silence.


Sorry that this is absolutely ass and I lack in grammar but yk what I'm doing this for fun and I don't expect it to go anywhere but yeah anyways idk what I'm planning for this I'm just writing so if anyone ends up reading this at all if you have ideas leave them in a comment or preferably message me

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