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Jeongin was still sitting on the couch when he heard the water of the shower cut off and his friend's feet pattering across the hallway floor to his bedroom. He paused the TV that he couldn't bring himself to pay attention to anyways and waited for his friend to get dressed.

It startled him when the older man threw himself onto the soft couch not having heard him enter the living room. He looked down at his friend's feet noticing the fluffy gray socks that hugged the man's skin 'That must be why'.

His eyes trailed up the man's legs and he almost let them linger on his friend's thighs that were exposed from the shorts the man was wearing but he couldn't bring himself to do that after what he'd already done.

He was quick to look away, drawing his attention to the little flower pot that comfortably sat on his friend's window sill. It had never interested him through all the times he had been sitting on the same couch before but now it seemed to be the most interesting thing in the dimly lit room.

It was only awkwardly silent for no more than 3 seconds but time seemed to be moving a lot slower than Jeongin preferred. "Seungmin I'm sorry.. I should have left the room when I saw you. I don't know why I didn't."

He could tell Seungmin was looking at him but he couldn't take his eyes off the little plant. "Jeongin, why are you apologizing? I didn't tell you to leave. I let you watch. I don't mind for you to see me like that."

Jeongin knew he hadn't told him to go away but why should the older man stop pleasuring himself to tell him to leave the room when he shouldn't have to be told?

"Why didn't you tell me to leave Seungmin? I don't understand" The older man only sighed before answering. "Jeongin, I didn't tell you to leave because I don't care about you seeing me like that.. I would much rather you see me in that state than anyone else."

Jeongin didn't know what the older meant by that but he was more than scared to ask. "Okay Seungmin can we just.. watch a movie for right now" he didn't want to talk about it any longer.

"Yeah.. But I saw the games you left on the counter. You don't want to play?" Seungmin could tell the things that had happened had affected the younger boy's mood and he didn't want to push.

"No, if I'm being honest I don't feel up to it anymore." It made Seungmins stomach twitch in guilt knowing he was the cause for his friend's mood change. If he'd known this would happen he would have locked the door.

He looked at the younger boy for a few moments before pulling him into his lap and wrapping his arms around him while resting his head on the boy's chest. "I'm sorry Jeongin. Next time just call me before you come over okay I know you always ask Hyunjin if I'm home but just.. Ask me from now on"

Jeongin was more than startled when he was pulled into his friend's lap but it didn't take more than a second to relax and let his head hang low. "Yeah okay, Seungmin.. I'm sorry too."

It's crazy something so small lowered the tension in the room but both boys couldn't be anything but happy with each other. They hugged for long enough that Jeongin started to fall asleep in the olders lap. It wasn't that late into the day but Seungmin didn't mind.

Instead of waking Jeongin up and putting on a movie, Seungmin laid them both down on the couch with his arms still wrapped around his best friend and closed his eyes. He started caressing the younger boy's lower back while humming a random melody and waited until soft snores echoed through the room before letting himself fall asleep.


When Jeongin woke up he was still wrapped in the older man's arms whose face was completely relaxed and squished into the couch cushion. His dark brown hair had fallen over his face and his lips formed a small pout.

It wasn't the first time Jeongin had woken up in his friend's arms but it was the first time he had woken up in his friend's arms and his stomach twisted at how close their faces were. If Jeongin moved less than an inch their noses would touch and when Jeongin shifted to get out of the older arms they almost did.

He stood up from the couch and turned towards the window where Seungmin's white curtains were open just enough to give the little plant sunlight during the day and show the moon peeking through the window at night.

It was barely getting dark outside the small apartment and Jeongin could already see the stars out. That was one of the things Jeongin loved about visiting his friend's apartment.

It wasn't overwhelmingly far away from everything else but it was far enough and in a dark enough area that even when it wasn't fully dark outside you could see the stars. He and Seungmin would often go up to the rooftop of the building and sit and talk for hours while just looking at the sky.

It was a time when they would share everything on their minds without judging the other. Jeongin loved that about his best friend. No matter how weird he was sometimes and how often he would say the most out of pocket shit his best friend never judged him, he would say something just as weird or out of pocket they just fit with each other in that way.

Thinking about it made Jeongin smile. They hadn't been up to the rooftop for a while; they would have to go soon. Jeongin turned around to look at his friend who was still sleeping, his pout even more noticeable than before and he sighed.

He needed to go home before it got too dark. He was scared of the dark. Another thing his best friend never judged him for.

He bent down to be at the same level as his sleeping friend and blew a warm breath through his lips. He brought his hand up to shake his friend's shoulder and watched how the older man barely opened his eyes and whined out from being woken up.

"Seungmin I'm going home okay you should go lay in your bed so you aren't sore tomorrow." It seemed like it took the older man a few seconds to process what was said but he nodded his head before starting to sit up.

"I'll walk you out innie." The name was something the older man started calling Jeongin only months after meeting in grade school and somehow it stuck until now.

When the older man was awake enough to walk Jeongin to the door he grabbed the games off the counter and brought them over to the younger boy and tackled him into a hug before he could walk out the door.

Jeongin didn't hesitate to wrap his free arm around the older man's small frame before whispering a small "goodbye" he stepped away from the hug and slipped his shoes on walking out the door with a small smile.

As he drove himself home he blocked out everything that had happened before they fell asleep on the couch from his head. He didn't need to think about it. It wouldn't change anything.


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