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When Jeongin pulled up to the park that was only about 10 minutes from his apartment, his best friend threw the door of his car open, and it was closed again before he could blink. His friend was already running over to the rusty swing set at the back of the park.

He watched the way the older man's hair bounced while he ran over to the swings, and when the man turned back towards him and sat on one of the seats, his smile made his eyes scrunch up, and his cheeks were already turning pink from how he ran through the cold.

'He's so beautiful.' It was something that Jeongin thought often when they would wake up in each other's arms or when his friend was having an emotional day and his eyes would fill with tears as he looked at Jeongin.

It wasn't weird to think that his best friend was the most beautiful person he knew. There was nothing wrong with it at all. He realized he was starting to zone out when his friend started waving his hand in the air with a confused face for him to get out of his car.

He turned his car off and got out, making sure to lock the doors and put his keys in his pocket before he started walking over to where his best friend was sitting on the swings.

When he got to the swing set, Seungmin looked up at him, and he could tell his friend was genuinely happy in the moment with the way his eyes were still slightly scrunched up from when he had been smiling, and there was a shine to them.

"What took you so long foxy?" Was Jeongin supposed to tell his best friend that he was zoning out from how beautiful he was because, yeah, no way Seungmin wouldn't let him live it down, and that's the excuse he would stick with.

"I was just thinking, but it was nothing." and maybe it was nothing, but Seungmin didn't believe him. "sure Jeongin.. Now get your ass up and push me." He couldn't say no to the older man, so, of course, he did what he was told.

Not without making his comments first: "Seungmin, that swing is going to break if I push you more than 3 feet off the ground.. But whatever you want" 

He walked up behind the older man and placed his hands on the chains of the swing. "Ready?" He heard the older man groan in front of him: "Yes, jeongin, come on, I'm not a baby.. You are though."

The last words were quiet and taunting, but Jeongin heard them. His eyebrows raised, and he just smiled to himself. He pulled the chains of the swing back as far as he could and pushed forward with all his strength.

The older man screamed out his name and tried to stop the rusty swing, but Jeongin waited until he was low enough to push one more time before he started laughing and ran off to hide behind one of the benches nearby.

The bench was behind the older boy and the swing set, so he watched the man jump off the swing and start looking around for him. He could see the older man looked pissed, but Jeongin thought it was funny.

"Come on, Jeongin, don't hide! It's not funny; come out!" Jeongin laughed a bit at how he was in such an obvious spot, but his friend still couldn't find him.

Even though he thought it was funny, he didn't actually want to upset the older man, so when the man sat back on the swing and crossed his arms, he got up and started to sneak up behind the older man.

When he was close enough, he jumped and wrapped his arms around the older man, saying, "Don't be upset, Seungmin; I'm sorry." He rested his head on the older man's shoulder, and when the man didn't say anything, he smirked and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Don't pout, Seungmin." Maybe it was just the cold, but the dust of pink on the older man's cheek got a little bit brighter, and he could see that his friend bit his lip and blinked his eyes faster.

He giggled and walked over to the swing beside the man and sat on it while still not looking away from the older man. "Don't be a cheeky little shit just because you're cute, innie"

"Sooo basically.. You think I'm cute. How flattering!" He said this as he watched the older man turn his head to look at him and saw how the man's eyes were pointed and the corner of his mouth was twitching from annoyance.

"Okay, whatever you're cute, don't let it get to you.. Let's go." He was confused, but he didn't get a chance to ask where they were going before the older man was skipping off.

He ran up to where the older man was and pulled his arm for him to wait. "Where are we going.. Did I really upset you? You want to go back.. I'm sorry, I didn't mean-" The older man stopped him and grabbed the hand that was wrapped around his arm while giving it a squeeze.

"No, Jeongin, don't worry; I'm not upset, and we aren't going home, but when you were playing around, I saw an ice cream stand.. I wanna get us some. Relax okay?"

Jeongin felt kind of stupid after listening to what his friend said. Maybe he was sensitive, but he hated when the older man was upset with him, and he was worried when the man suddenly said, let's go. "Oh, okay, well, how about I buy it for us to make up for running off?"

Seungmin was never one to turn down free ice cream, so he nodded his head, and his eyes shined again in the way they do when he's happy: "Let's go, then you can pick the flavors; it's your turn anyway." That was another one of their things.

Whenever they would go out to eat together, whether it be food or sweets, they would always take turns picking what they had. Maybe it's because after practically growing up together, they loved all the same foods and enjoyed being able to have friendly traditions, even if they were small or simple.

"Yeah, let's just see what they have first, innie" He felt the older man grab his hand and intertwine their fingers while pulling him in the direction of the ice cream stand. He looked down and smiled.


Writing this is making me think I should have just made a one-shot help..

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