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Jeongin, despite having fallen asleep in the middle of the day on his best friend's couch, didn't have a problem falling asleep as soon as he got home and chucked his shoes off.

So maybe that's why he woke up feeling drenched in sweat and with a painfully hard cock too early to see daylight outside. His eyes fluttered open to look at the little clock he had sitting on his bedside table to read it was only a quarter till 6, or what Jeongin would consider too fucking early to be horny.

He rolled over to get out of his usually comfortable bed, but it felt like he was peeling his skin off the fabric of his sheets because of how gross the sweat felt against his skin. When he finally sat up, he couldn't help but feel like shit looking down at his lap.

He knew why he was fully hard so early in the morning, and he really wished he didn't. He pulled his shirt over his head and threw it on the floor to blend in with the half of his closet that was there, and forced himself to get out of bed to fix his problem.

Walking over to where his desk sat in the corner of his room, he turned off the small lamp he had kept on through the night and walked out into the hallway, heading straight for the bathroom.

The bathroom was only a door down, maybe 3 feet away, but Jeongin could only wish it was closer. When he entered the bathroom, it became painfully clear that he had to make a choice: did he want to jerk off to the wet dream he just had about his best friend, or did he want to take a cold shower and be frustrated all day?

Of course, if it had been any other person Jeongin had a dream of, he wouldn't have a problem jerking off to them, but no, it was his friend, and more than that, it was his best friend.

He had a wet dream of how he'd seen his best friend shaking against his sheets with his fingers in his mouth and that same fucked out look on his face as the previous day. It was the same as the real thing, only in the dream, his best friend was moaning out his name.

That alone turned him on so much that he woke up from his sleep sweating enough for his clothes and sheets to stick to his skin. It was absolutely disgusting and pathetic.

So no, he wouldn't let himself jerk off to his best friend; instead, he walked over to the shower and turned the water on, letting the water get as cold as it could before stripping the rest of his clothes off and forcing himself inside.

He signed as the cold water made contact with his skin and started traveling through his silky hair and down his back. He looked down at himself and made a frustrated grunt as the cold water met his angry red cock. He watched as the pre-cum he hadn't stopped leaking since he woke up washed away with the water, and he could feel his arousal slipping away only slightly.

So did he spend 20 minutes in the shower, willing his arousal away and blocking the dream he had from his head before even touching a cloth to clean himself of sweat? Maybe. Maybe not; that's for him to know.

When he was done with his shower, he turned off the water and grabbed the towel he had hanging in the bathroom to dab all of the water off his skin before wrapping the white cloth around his lower half and stepping back out into the hallway.

The closer he got he could tell there was light outside from the way it lit up his room. He walked into the room, pulled the towel from around his hips, and dropped it on the unmade bed.

He thought about what he wanted to wear and figured he didn't need anything tight or restricting with the state he woke up in, so he walked over to his closet and slid open the mirror door, pulling out a pair of boxers and one of the many pairs of black sweatpants he owned.

(I may or may not have some really kinky shit in mind for that mirror door...)

Not taking a second look, he grabbed a random hoodie out of the many hanging in his closet and didn't realize it was his best friend's until after he had put it on and walked out of the room again.

Maybe he was just lazy, but he didn't care enough to go back into his room and change it for a different hoodie, so he left it. It's not like it wasn't normal to wear his friend's clothes.

It wasn't even 7 in the morning yet, but Jeongin decided he wanted to take a walk down to the small shop not far from where he lived. He walked up to his front door and slipped on a random pair of slippers while snatching his keys off the small shelf he had by the door.

Stepping outside, he let out a hiss from the chill that traveled down his spine at the cool temperature, but it wasn't cold enough to actually bother him.

Walking down the 4 steps that led up to his door, he started going further down the sidewalk, only having to walk a few minutes before crossing over to the other side of the street and around the corner.

It didn't take much to remember the directions to the little shop, especially since he visited so often. When he got to the door of the shop, he smiled before pushing it open, anticipating the chime of the little bells on the door handle.

Not more than a second after he walked into the shop, he was being greeted by the owner. She was an older woman who, through his many visits, he learned had opened the shop with her late husband, like they had wanted when they were much younger.

The woman offered Jeongin comfort whenever he needed it, and Jeongin, in return, became a loyal visitor and often helped around the small shop when it was needed.

Inside the shop was a bakery on the left side of the building, where the older woman and her brother made family recipes to sell. And on the right of the shop was why Jeongin was such a frequent visitor.

There was a wall of shelves holding some of the best books Jeongin had ever read, which in truth was not many, and a few small tables and chairs for people to sit while reading.

Jeongin had never been one for reading, but when he moved out of his parents home and into his own, it was overwhelming no matter how excited he was, so when he found the small shop and picked up a book to distract himself on a random rainy day, he found comfort for himself.

He didn't visit the shop to read today, but he did want one of the coffees. Out of all the things he could want in the shop, he always got coffee.

The woman always made his coffee herself, and after tasting it, he found he'd never tasted something so good in his life. He tried to make it just the same on his own, he could never do it, but it was better that way; it wouldn't be healthy if he did know how to make it.

After he was handed his cup and gave the woman a smile before leaving, he walked back out into the cold outside air and didn't make it 2 steps away before he was getting a call.

"Hey Jeongin, can I come over today?"


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