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Jeongin didn't know what to do; he hadn't meant to start crying; he hadn't meant to latch onto Seungmin, but he couldn't help himself.
When he'd left Seungmin in the hallway, he went to the kitchen to find something to eat, and when he saw that the older man had made him one of his favorite things for lunch, he couldn't help but to break down crying.
It had been such a long day, and things between him and Seungmin weren't how they usually were. Seeing that Seungmin was still thinking about doing things for him and the things he would like, it just made something in Jeongin break.
He was still cuddled up to Seungmin, and he couldn't imagine letting go. His arms were wrapped around Seungmin's torso, and his face had moved from the crook of the man's neck to his chest. He had stopped crying a while ago, but Seungmin was still playing with his hair, and he'd slid his hand under Jeongin's shirt to draw shapes on his skin while Jeongin was trying to stop crying.
They were pressed so close together, and their skin was touching, but Jeongin needed to be closer. He didn't know why, but since he had started crying, all he wanted was Seungmin. He wanted Seungmin in every way possible, and it was confusing, but he didn't care.
He unwrapped his hands from Seungmin's waist and brought them to where the older man's legs lay beside him. He hesitated for longer than was necessary, but he eventually pulled Seungmin's legs to wrap around his stomach. He felt how Seungmin's hands stopped combing through his hair, but the man was quick to continue.
Jeongin lifted his head to be able to look at Seungmin, and he saw Seungmin staring back at him with the softest, most sparkling eyes. He had always loved Seungmin's eyes; they were the most beautiful shade of brown, and when the light hit them, they could make even the most beautiful things seem ugly in comparison.
Jeongin guessed he'd been staring at the older man for too long since Seungmin had raised his eyebrows in confusion and worry. Jeongin pushed himself up by his elbows and moved to sit up on Seungmin's chest. He wanted to be closer to the man's face. "Please don't get mad."
It was so quiet when Jeongin spoke, but Seungmin still heard it. He was about to ask what Jeongin meant, but before he could, the younger man had taken his face into his hands and moved close enough to Seungmin that if one of them were to move, their lips would meet.
Seungmin's eyes widened only slightly, but his breath had picked up, and he felt like he would pass out at any second. Yes, he did have his fingers in Jeongin's mouth just earlier that day, and yes, he did moan when Jeongin threw him around just earlier that day, but this was completely different.
Seungmin knew his feelings for Jeongin, and both of those things had happened because of him. This time, Jeongin was the one doing everything, and he was sure Jeongin didn't have any feelings for him. Neither of them had moved any closer, and Jeongin could tell Seungmin wasn't going to, so he did instead.
Their lips met for only a few seconds before Jeongin pulled away again and checked Seungmin's face for any discomfort. When he didn't see any, his mouth found Seungmin's more quickly this time, and he didn't plan on pulling back again.
Seungmin didn't know what to do with himself after Jeongin had reconnected their lips. He was frozen in place. He didn't want to do anything more than what Jeongin was initiating. He didn't want to make the boy uncomfortable. Of course he didn't not kiss Jeongin back; he would be crazy not to kiss the boy he was in love with when Jeongin seemed to want it.
Jeongin grabbed Seungmin's hand that had fallen from his hair and tangled their fingers together. He had gotten tired of softly kissing Seungmin and shoved his tongue into the older man's mouth. When he felt Seungmin start to squirm underneath him, he brought his free hand to wrap around the man's throat.
Seungmin had been trying so hard not to make any noise, but he just couldn't help it. His face was so hot, and Jeongin was pressed so close to him. He whined Jeongins name the best he could with his mouth stuffed full and his back arched from the bed when the boy squeezed his throat some more.
Then Jeongin released Seungmin's throat and slid his hand under the man's shirt. He pressed the tips of his fingers against Seungmin's skin and moved them along the curves of Seungmin's body, the ones that he'd always looked at but never got to touch.
He had never been this close to Seungmin, and it had his body on fire. He wanted more; he wanted as much as Seungmin would give him.
The feeling was so addicting to finally be able to touch the older man, which he had been wanting for days. The way Seungmin was just letting him do whatever he wanted and hearing the noises Seungmin was making underneath him, it all made him so much more eager.
The taste of Seungmin's mouth made Jeongin never want to pull away. It was sweet. Jeongin loved sweet things, but he wanted to play around a little, so he pulled away from Seungmin just enough so that the tip of his tongue was still in his mouth, and he brought his free hand up to the man's lips and pushed them open.
Seungmin was confused about what Jeongin was doing, but he didn't care too much. Jeongin was looking at him so intensely that it made him want to take anything he was given.
His mouth was wide open, and Jeongin had moved his tongue to play with the tip of Seungmin's. It was so gross the way that his lips were covered in spit, and he was practically being tongue fucked but he loved it so much. He wanted Jeongin so badly; his body was so sensitive, and every little touch was a shock of pleasure. He couldn't possibly hold back any more.


Okay so I definitely didn't end up getting my shit together but I'm working on it. Thank you to everyone who is being patient and still reading this I love you lots <3

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