The Enigmatic Oasis

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The exploration party of five pressed forward through the sprawling savannah, their eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of the sacred statue. The swaying grasses and the distant roar of untamed wildlife created an atmosphere of both anticipation and caution.

As they journeyed deeper into the savannah, a sense of excitement coursed through their veins. The vastness of the wilderness surrounded them, invoking a mix of wonder and reverence.

Their footsteps carried them closer to a hidden oasis nestled amidst the golden grass. The shimmering pond, its surface mirroring the azure sky, provided a momentary respite from the relentless heat. Drawn by the promise of cool water, they quickened their pace.

Nobita and Peko reached the oasis first, their eyes widening as they took in the breathtaking sight. The crystal-clear water beckoned to them, offering relief from their journey.

Just as the others were about to join them, a rustling sound erupted from the grassy expanse surrounding the oasis. The Exploration Party of Five froze, their gazes fixed on the emerging figures. It was a pride of lions, their golden coats blending seamlessly with the savannah.

Fear gripped their hearts as the lions encircled them, their eyes filled with a primal intensity. Gian, his voice trembling, whispered, "Stay calm and don't make any sudden movements."

Nobita, sensing the urgency of the situation, nudged Peko. "We need to divert their attention," he whispered, his voice laced with determination.

Peko nodded, and with a burst of agility, he leaped onto a nearby rock, catching the lions' attention. Nobita followed suit, his arms flailing as he tried to draw the predators away from their friends.

While the lions were momentarily distracted, Shizuka and Doraemon hurried towards the safety of the oasis. But as Shizuka made her way through the tall grass, a powerful thud reverberated through the air. A lion had pounced, its claws grazing her arm.

Fear surged through the party as they witnessed Shizuka's predicament. Desperation filled the oasis as they struggled to find a solution.

In that moment of dire need, a brilliant green hue erupted from the heart of the oasis, and the sacred statue materialized before them. Its commanding presence seemed to seize the attention of the lions, their ferocity momentarily halted.

The statue's voice, carrying an air of authority, resonated through the savannah. "Cease your aggression!" it commanded, and the lions, as if compelled by an unseen force, backed away, retreating into the wilderness.

Gian and the others stared in awe and disbelief as the statue extended a guiding hand. "Follow the path through the valley," it spoke, its voice reverberating with ancient wisdom. "There, you shall find the true resting place of the sacred statue."

Without hesitation, the exploration party of five rose to their feet, their hearts filled with renewed hope and determination. They took their first steps towards the valley, guided by the statue's ethereal presence.

As they ventured forward, the savannah whispered secrets of ancient mysteries and untold treasures. Their quest was far from over, but the encounter at the oasis had revealed a glimmer of the statue's power and the trials that awaited them.

With each stride, they forged ahead, their eyes fixed on the valley, where destiny awaited their arrival.

A/N :- Here is the promised double upload late by two days. This chapter is slightly short. Next chapters will be of usual size. Also quick question. Should the movie follow original storyline or should I add an extra element of chaos. Don't worry story will follow same basic plot.

Also I am thinking of writing my own series. I know it might be too early but if I didn't start it now I will not be able to do it later. I have storyline in my mind. Comment below your thoughts. Don't worry I read all of them.

Word Count :- 643

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