Clash of Fates

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The sky, once filled with fierce winds, fell into an eerie calm as Nobita and the mysterious person faced each other in the floating realm. The tension in the air was palpable, like a heavy shroud enveloping them. Both combatants drew their swords—Nobita's emitting a vibrant green aura, while the mysterious person's held a subtle blue glow.

A solitary leaf, carried by the winds of fate, descended gracefully between them, its presence a foreboding symbol of what was to come. As the leaf touched the ground, their surroundings erupted in a flurry of blinding flashes. In an instant, Nobita and the mysterious person vanished from their previous positions, reappearing in rapid succession at different locations.

Their swords clashed relentlessly, the sound of steel meeting steel echoing through the silent sky. As the two opponents clashed, their swords emitted dazzling auras, one green and the other blue. The colors seemed to dance in the air, illuminating the surroundings.

Nobita fought with every ounce of strength and determination within him, his mind racing to anticipate the mysterious person's moves. But the adversary proved to be an elusive and formidable opponent.

In a swift maneuver, the mysterious person darted backward, creating distance between them. He began to circle around Nobita, his movements fluid and precise. Suddenly, Nobita found himself surrounded by multiple copies of the mysterious person, their swords gleaming with a blue hue. The copies attacked simultaneously, sending forth a barrage of blue slashes towards Nobita.

In a desperate move, Nobita's sword shattered into numerous pieces, forming a protective sphere around him, shielding him from the onslaught. The pieces swiftly reassembled, and Nobita's sword returned to its original form. However, before he could react, he felt a searing pain in his stomach, as the mysterious person had pierced him from behind.

Sitting upon a rocky outcrop, his sword lying beside him, Nobita let out a chuckle that escalated into a full-blown laughter. The sound carried an air of bitter irony, a poignant reflection of his current predicament.

"Who would have thought," Nobita began, his voice laced with irony, "that I would meet my end in this desolate jungle, far away from my friends, at the hands of the very person who would bring about my demise?"

Through labored breaths, Nobita mustered the strength to make one final request, his voice filled with a mix of curiosity and acceptance.

"Before I embark on my next great adventure, can I at least see your face, the face of the one who has sealed my fate?"

The mysterious person hesitated for a moment, contemplating Nobita's request. With a solemn nod, they slowly removed their cloak, revealing their true identity. Nobita's eyes widened in disbelief and recognition, his voice barely a whisper.


A/N :- Muwahaha it is a Cliffhanger. I have finally learned the secret jutsu of Cliffhanger. It was a tough journey to find the secret scroll of Cliffhanger but worth it. Don't worry before you guys start a revolt, these are not the fighting scenes I was mentioning. They will be in upcoming chapters. Though do tell how was above chapter and things to improve in it. Next chapter might be in a few hours only because this one was too short.


Word Count :- 545

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