Past and Future

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In a quaint little neighborhood, a young boy with mesmerizing black hair and deep, enigmatic eyes was engrossed in a game of catch with two other children, a girl, and another boy. His unique appearance often stirred curiosity among his peers. However, he carried a slightly darker complexion, hinting at the diverse background that made him who he was.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow on the scene, the joyful play came to an abrupt halt when the mothers of the other two children arrived. They sternly pulled their kids away, forbidding them from playing with Akio ever again, without giving any explanation. Akio stood there, feeling the sting of rejection, but he didn't let it break his spirit. He had learned to endure such prejudice before.

Unbeknownst to his young friends' mothers, a different heartache awaited Akio as he returned home. Upon stepping inside, he heard soft sobs emanating from a room down the hallway. Curiosity mingled with concern as he peeked inside to find a man bearing a striking resemblance to himself consoling a woman with tear-streaked cheeks. The sight of her reddened cheek suggested she had experienced a painful encounter, possibly a slap.

Witnessing this distressing scene, Akio felt a heavy weight in his heart. He quietly retreated to his room, not knowing how to address the situation or comfort the wounded souls he had just encountered. A profound sense of loneliness engulfed him as he lay in bed that night.

Years passed, and the scene shifted to a classroom where the buzz of students filled the air. The teacher announced the arrival of a new student, Akio Elshar. He had grown a few years older but retained that same mysterious allure. Timidly, he introduced himself, expressing a genuine hope to forge connections with his new peers.

During lunchtime, Akio sat alone on a bench, lost in his thoughts, when a slightly older boy named Rishi approached him. Rishi complimented Akio's singing skill, showcased by him in previous class which brought a warm smile to his face. As they struck up a conversation, they discovered shared interests, and a budding friendship began to bloom.

However, as time went on, the scene shifted once more to an older Akio standing hidden behind a pillar in the school hall. He overheard Rishi talking about their friendship, claiming it was merely a ploy to improve his grades by associating with the academic overachiever. Rishi ridiculed Akio's interests and passions, calling him a nerd who was good for nothing beyond studying. The words pierced Akio's heart like daggers, and a single tear escaped his eye.

Years rolled by, and Akio found himself in a coaching institute, where he befriended two other boys. They seemed like true friends at first, but when exam time arrived, they turned their backs on him. They mocked him openly and made fun of his academic performance, undermining his self-confidence. Akio confronted them, seeking an explanation, but they merely brushed him off, claiming it was for his own good.

On the day of the results, Akio's disappointment was evident as he barely scraped through. His teacher expressed her disappointment, reminding him that his previous attempt had yielded better results. The supposed friends offered condolences for his low score, but outside the room, Akio overheard their true feelings—a desire for him to fail.

Feeling the weight of his painful memories, Akio suddenly found himself lying on the ground, gazing upward into an endless, white abyss. As he sat up, he noticed another boy nearby, who seemed to share his feelings of solitude. They exchanged empathetic glances, silently acknowledging each other's struggles.

In the midst of uncertainty, Akio found solace in his own resilience. As the boy beside him extended a hand towards him, a glimmer of hope danced in his eyes, for he knew that true companionship awaited those willing to see beyond appearances and biases, and embrace the beauty of individuality.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2023 ⏰

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