The Kingdom of Dogs

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The exploration party of five persevered through the treacherous snowy mountains, aided by a remarkable gadget provided by Doraemon. The gadget, resembling a rope, carried them smoothly through the icy terrain, the team huddled inside the rope was running continuously with Doraemon in front wearing a cap resembling the chimney of coal train.

Approaching the final stretch, the party found themselves at the edge of a towering cliff. Searching for a solution, Nobita, the ever-resourceful member, suggested using the gravity paint he had seen Doraemon use before. "Why don't we try using the gravity paint? We can create a path down the cliff, and the gravity will shift to follow the paint."

Doraemon's eyes lit up with curiosity and enthusiasm. "That's a brilliant idea, Nobita! Let's give it a go."

With a wave of his magical pocket, Doraemon conjured the gravity paint, and the team began applying it to the cliff's surface. As the paint touched the rock, the laws of gravity obediently shifted, pulling them in the direction of the painted path. Slowly, they descended down the vertical cliff, their hearts filled with a mix of awe and excitement.

Reaching the bottom of the valley, the party encountered a peculiar phenomenon. Puffs of white smoke billowed out from cracks in the ground, accompanied by a haunting whistling sound that echoed through the air. Reacting on instinct, Gian unleashed a powerful punch towards the source of the sound, only to find that his fist passed through empty air.

Nobita, ever the analyzer, observed the situation and offered an explanation. "This white smoke and the whistling sound are caused by volcanic ash escaping from the cracks in the ground. The high pressure within the earth forces the ash to shoot out, creating the whistle-like sound."

The team marveled at the natural phenomenon, their minds expanding with newfound knowledge of the world around them. Suddenly a clapping sound reverberated behind their back.

The clapping sound reverberated through the air, causing the exploration party of five to spin around in surprise. To their astonishment, they found Peko, their newfound companion, standing upright and applauding their intelligence. The team was taken aback, unable to comprehend how a dog could speak and exhibit such human-like behavior.

Peko, with a mischievous smile on his face, began to explain the extraordinary truth. "You've stumbled upon the fabled Kingdom of Dogs, the place we're heading to. This land was once part of the Earth's surface, but due to natural causes, a section sank down, isolating it from the rest of the world. An ethereal mist enveloped the area, allowing the ancestors of dogs to evolve just as the ancestors of humans were evolving from apes elsewhere."

As Peko continued his tale, the team listened intently, captivated by the unfolding story. He revealed that he was not only a resident of the Kingdom of Dogs but also the current prince, carrying the responsibility of his canine subjects.

The conversation took an intriguing turn when Peko disclosed the secret behind the mystifying statue encounters they had experienced. He explained that the statues, which had mysteriously appeared and repelled lions and even found their way into Gian's bedroom, were creations of the locket pendant he wore. This pendant that acted like a holographic device also served as the key to the revered sacred statue known as Baowanko.

Peko confessed that he had accidentally found himself caught in a powerful river current, which eventually carried him to Japan after enduring numerous hardships. There he found Nobita who took him in and took care of him when he was in very bad state due to prolonged hunger. Until that point, he, like his fellow canines, had no knowledge of the existence of humans, just as the rest of humans and the exploration party had been oblivious to the existence of the Kingdom of Dogs.

As they continued their journey, walking along the tranquil riverbank, the scenery gradually transformed. Eventually, they reached a dead-end, with the river blocking their path. Sensing their dilemma, Doraemon swiftly produced a set of fish-like boats, enabling the team to cross the river with ease.

After a short voyage, they ascended a gentle slope, reaching the peak of a hill. The sight that unfolded before them left them awestruck. Spread out below was the magnificent Kingdom of Dogs, a sprawling city that mirrored human civilization in its grandeur and complexity. Towering buildings, bustling streets, and parks filled with lively dogs engaged in various activities painted a vibrant picture.

The exploration party of five stood there, their eyes wide with wonder, marveling at the existence of this parallel society. The air buzzed with anticipation as they prepared to embark on a new chapter of their adventure, eager to explore the depths of the Kingdom of Dogs and uncover the secrets that lay within its walls.

Little did they know that their encounter with Peko and the discovery of the Kingdom of Dogs was just the beginning of an even greater journey, where dark mysteries, unexpected alliances, and thrilling challenges awaited them. With hearts brimming with excitement, they descended into the kingdom, ready to embrace the unknown and shape their destiny in this extraordinary realm.

A/N :- Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I have some bad news. I will not be able to upload daily from now on. I will upload 3-4 chapters per week. But don't worry as I will increase the length of chapters.

Also do tell if you guys would like to see some extra mystery  and adventure in the following chapters or should I only follow the plot.

Enjoy !!

Word Count :- 943

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