Chapter Two

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Each court was given an entire part of the estate for themselves. Now that she was amongst friends, (Y/n) could freely marvel in the splendor of the place.
"Everywhere my eyes lay on is like a beautiful painting!" she giggled. "And to think this will be our home for the next month! What a gift!"
"Don't get too excited now." Gwendolyn said, as calm as ever. "We must stay alert, remember why we're here."
"Of course, of course. But one must be able to have fun, lest they crumble under the pressure. I'm gonna go see my room!"
"Where's Catherine?" Arnold looked around.
"On a stroll around the premises with her darling fiancé~."
"But we already saw everything." he shrugged, frowning in his confusion.
"Oh young Arnold," she shook her head. "you know nothing of love."
"Wha- And all of your knowledge on the subject comes from books and plays!" he pointed at her.
She just laughed and left to see her room. She laid on her king size bed and didn't want to get up.

Lady (Y/n) felt a lot less enthusiastic at the banquet later that evening. After a delicious dinner, the guests were moved to another venue to have a drink and simply talk to one another, with beautiful music in the background. Each of her friends were partaking in their own conversations, some with acquaintances, some with people of a similar status as them. But she was the only noble of her caliber, therefore no one went to her, and she knew better than to force herself into a conversation. She sighed through her nose, embarrassed about being on her own, and sad that she couldn't contribute to her cause. But she trusted her council, and since no one was looking at her, that meant she could freely admire the beautiful venue. The paintings on the high ceiling, the chandeliers lit up with so many candles, the carvings on the walls and pillars, even the floorboards had pretty designs into them as if they grew from the inside the trees themselves. She thought the architects must've used magic to achieve such a thing.

Suddenly she bumped into someone. The two parties yelped in surprise and faced each-other. They must've both been absent-minded at the same time. There stood a tall handsome man with a big stature and red hair, well put together if not panicked in this moment. Based on his outfit, decorated with paper flowers, he was from the Kingdom of Diamonds. However, she couldn't put a name on his face, nor could she tell his status. Somewhere between her and Arnold for sure... Now she regretted not including pictures in her documents.
"M-Miss I, I am terribly sorry!" he spoke frantically, with a southern accent.
"I-It's alright." she waved her hands.
"Please," he took one flower from his decorated suit and gave it to her. "accept this so that I may atone for my terrible behavior! And do not fret, I shall not take any more of your precious time. Adieu my fair lady!" he bowed before rushing away.
She stood there, astonished. That was her first ever interaction with another person outside of her court.

"What an odd man...but very well mannered." she whispered before looking at herself. "Now what should I do with this?"
'I want to put it on, it's so pretty. But I know people will talk if I do.'
"Ah, I know." she took out a handkerchief and gently placed the flower on it before folding it in half. "There."
She carefully put it in her pocket, then noticed someone was staring at her. It was none other than the King of Diamonds. Of all people! And he was frowning! Her heart dropped and she curtsied. When she looked back up, he had turned away, back to a conversation he was having prior to this. She sighed, a bit relieved but anxious that she's made a poor impression on him for talking to someone of his court. Maybe he though she bumped into him on purpose. Her mind began racing, not knowing that frowning was the king's default expression.

"Ah, Lady (L/n)."
She turned around and saw Arnold walking up to her. It would seem he had left a group of nobles from a neighboring land, as they were still looking at him. The young marquis was staring into her eyes, his were slightly bigger than usual.
'Ooo boy, I know that look.'
"My Lord." she curtsied.
"I believe you've haven't met the Lords of Klondike yet." he offered her his arm. "Shall we?"
"You are too kind. I shall be honored." she took it and the two of them walked away.
She glanced back at the group of nobles, they were laughing. She felt a twist in her chest.

Total Eclipse of the Heart (Royal AU Wally x reader)Where stories live. Discover now