Chapter Ten

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That evening, while the High Council of Spades was dining, everyone could tell that something happened to Lady (Y/n) and Lady Catherine. Something was simply off about them, they weren't as enthusiastic as they usually were. The young Marquis was of course the one who confronted them about it.
"Alright," he put his silverware down. "what happened between you two? You've been quiet as hell."
(Y/n) looked at Catherine, who kept eating, unbothered.
"Nothing." she simply said.
"Right." (Y/n) then nodded with a smile. "We're just a bit tired after today."

"Oh yeah. Who did you hang out with this time?" he went back to cutting his steak. "The three royals again?"
"How did you know?" she blinked twice, surprised.
"Wait, really?!" both Catherine and Gwendolyn exclaimed while everyone looked at her with big eyes.
"Yes, but I don't think anyone was expecting them to come to the brunch."
"It was at the brunch? And you didn't tell me?!" Catherine leaned a bit closer.
"W-well, I wanted to. But know..."
The lady let out a small 'oh' and stopped asking questions. Arnold had no idea what they were talking about and he didn't like that!

"We've exchanged a few words and they've asked me for a fourth opinion on something." (Y/n) continued.
"On what?"
"A painting."
He scoffed.
"You don't even paint!"
"That's...true, I suppose." she chuckled, her eyebrows furrowed.
"Arnold." Gwendolyn rolled her eyes. "One's opinion doesn't have to be professional to be valuable. If anything, having an outsider's point of view is just as important."
"Yeah Arnold, stop being jealous." Catherine gave him a nasty look. "You're not much of a painter either."
"Catherine!" (Y/n) said.
It would seem that the Baroness still had some pent up anger regarding what happened today. Arnold scoffed again.

"Alright. Whatever." he put his napkin on the table and stood up. "I'm not hungry anymore. I'm gonna go hang out with my friends."
"You have friends?" (Y/n) asked, surprised once again and genuinely happy for him.
But Arnold did not look happy. He looked offended, hurt even. But he quickly went back to his default mood: angry.
"Yes!" he pressed before leaving, slamming the door shut behind him.
A minute or so later did (Y/n) realize what she just asked.
"Oh no, that must've sounded so rude!" she exclaimed. "I feel terrible!"
"Don't worry too much, Lady (Y/n)." Gwendolyn shook her head. "He'll come back and be his usual grumpy arrogant self."
"Right." Catherine nodded. "Especially with the next  official event tomorrow."
"Perhaps..." (Y/n) sighed.

The next official event was a fencing competition. The majority of the ballroom was cut into sections for each match that will be going on. As the master of ceremony, Wally couldn't participate, but as a fan of fencing, he offered friendly sparring sessions on the side. He also politely declined Julie when she asked to fight him.
"Whyyyy?!" she whined.
"First of all, you used the term 'fighting', which is concerning."
"But you also say-!"
"We're at an official event of the Shuffling, Julie." he leaned a bit closer to whisper. "We have to...dial it down."
She softly gasped.
"What happened to you...?" she slowly shook her head with a sad look. "My best friend."

"Don't you think I would've participated in this if I could've?"
"You're the king, man!" she harshly whispered. "You can do whatever you want!"
"I'm the King of Hearts, host of the Shuffling. This is different."
"Pffffff!" she folded her arms.
"Oh don't sulk now." he smiled.
"I can't wait for the Shuffling to be over so you can be fun again."
Wally wanted to apologize, but she spoke again.

"And Frank doesn't do sports. Why can't the universe line up circumstances to fit my needs? Like it did during the hunt?" she whined again, then loudly gasped. "(L/n)! Maybe she'll participate!"
"Lady (L/n)? She doesn't seem like the type to..." he tilted his head upon thinking about it further. "But she could surprise us once again."
"Oooooh where is she where is she where is she?" using a vine to elevate herself, Julie looked around the venue, shielding her eyes from the Sun that wasn't there because they were indoors.
Finally, she gasped as she spotted the Lady of Spades. She was with her peers across the room.
"There! (L/n)! Heeeeey!" she widely waved her arms.
Said lady flinched and turned over. Everyone stopped and looked at the Queen, then at the Lady. (Y/n) glanced around and gave a small wave with an awkward smile.
"Come over here! Come on come on!"
Immediately, (Y/n) walked over to them with quick steps. By the time she reached the two royals, people have gone back to their business.

Total Eclipse of the Heart (Royal AU Wally x reader)Where stories live. Discover now