Chapter Fourteen

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For today, the members of the High Council of Spades had synchronized their schedule so that they would spend some time together after lunch. They were all sitting at the table, waiting while doing their own activities: Gwendolyn was reading a book while Arnold and Catherine were each writing a letter. Lady (Y/n) still hasn't come back from her brunch. Suddenly, the low echoing noise was heard for the second time. It took Arnold by surprise and he spilled a drop of ink onto the paper. He slammed his fists on the table – startling the two ladies, the two birds and Blizzard – and shouted insults in the old Spades language.
"Hey! Language!" Catherine glared at him. "Calm down will you? You can just start over."
"Don't you tell me to calm down!" he glared back before looking around. "What is wrong with this castle?! I thought it was supposed to be 'the greatest piece of modern architecture of all time'!" he said that part in a silly voice.

"Maybe it's because so many people are using the water at the same time." Gwendolyn looked up. "Maybe the plumbing isn't used to it."
"And they couldn't have made sure it was optimal for, you know, the most important event of the land?!" the young Marquis ran a hand through his hair. "Doesn't he care about his guests?!"
"What is wrong with you today?" Catherine asked. "Did you wake up with a harpish-raven in your bed?"
He glared at her once more. Harpish-ravens usually stayed away from people, so asking such a question basically meant 'such an incredibly rare thing must have happened for you to act like this.' He leaned back in his chair with a huff, folding his arms.
"You're not gonna try again with your letter?" Catherine leaned over to see the damage...
But Arnold picked up the letter and crumbled it into a ball before she could read any of it. She just knew that he hadn't written much.
"Screw it." he tossed it behind him. "Wasn't that important anyway."

She rolled her eyes and sighed. A while passed, very slowly so for Arnold. He kept looking at the time, tapping the table, bouncing his heel so much it made the table shake. It bothered Catherine and just as she was about to tell him to knock it off, the door opened.
"Hey guys." (Y/n) walked in.
"Where were you?!" Arnold stood up. "It's an hour after lunchtime, what kinda brunch did you have exactly?"
"Oh, yes. On my way back there's been some...complications." she glanced to the side.
He raised his eyebrows.
"What happened?"
"I don't really...want to talk about it." she held her arm.
The young man's scoff made her look back at him.
"Oh let me guess," he smirked, frowning. "you were having too much fun. With who this time? A Queen? A Prince?"
"What? No. What are you-?"
"The King of Hearts maybe?" he leaned closer.

She blinked twice, confused.
"Why are you so mad? I thought..." she glanced at the two ladies.
He let out a frustrated sigh.
"You're getting distracted." he pointed at her. "We're here for a more than important mission, you're the one who kept reminding us of that for months, and yet you're the one who is fooling around all the time!"
"Me?!" she pointed at herself, shocked.
"Arnold." Catherine put her quill down.
"Do you think no one saw you and the King dancing together almost the entire ball? You kept giggling like an idiot!"
She blushed, frowning.

"We're here for business (Y/n), you're forgetting that. Stop messing around-"
"I'm not!" she suddenly exclaimed. "I'm...I'm making friends, Arnold. For the first time in my life-"
"The first time?! Are you guys hearing this?" he turned to the two ladies. "I guess the year we spent working together didn't mean shit compared to the two weeks she spent in the presence of royalty! Seriously, why am I the only one mad about this?!"
"Seriously, stop." Gwendolyn put down her book.
"Arnold. Please be honest for a second." (Y/n) spoke, getting worked up. "If you – if any of you – had met me prior to the King's death, to the Great Departure, would you have even bothered to even look at my direction?!"
"No, because I've never seen you in my life before!"
"Would you have been curious then? Not about my title nor my family, but about me?"
"And if I hadn't helped the council, made up this whole plan. If I hadn't worked that hard, would you have then? Would you?"
Silence again. Every one of her fellow council members avoided eye contact with her. And she knew the others back at home would have the same reaction.

Total Eclipse of the Heart (Royal AU Wally x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt