Shadows Over The Goliath (1)

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[Yeah not a bonus, 'cause this is actually a small sequel! 👏
Put on your detective caps, set up your boards of potential suspects, and have fuuuun!]

(Y/n) Darling woke up first, at least that's what she believed. The Sun has just started to rise, the dim morning light allowing her to see her dear husband laying next to her. Having him be the first thing she gets to see today made her heart skip a beat. She snuggled close to him and she felt his arms wrap around her almost instantly.
"Oh. I'm sorry." she whispered and looked at him. "Did I wake you up?"
"No." he whispered, his eyes still closed.
She smiled, wrapped her own arms around him and closed her eyes. The married couple stayed like this for a while, basking in the peaceful bliss their presence brought to the other's heart.
"(Y/n). My darling, my love, my wife."
She giggled, though she tried not to. Every time he did that, it would always get her heart jumping.
"I can't have you hold me right now."
"Huh?" her smile fell.
"The world feels far too peaceful and perfect when you do. I can't get any work done."
"Oh!" she laughed.

Just then, the door opened and they heard a bark. (Y/n) quickly sat up with a delighted gasp. As soon as she left his embrace, Wally opened his eyes.
The big dog jumped on the bed and she began to kiss and hug him. Wally – her husband – sat up and watched the scene with a hint of silent spite. He was so happy that Walter hasn't sneaked into their bed in the middle of the night for once. Now Wally understood that it was only to interrupt their morning cuddle.
"You're right, friend. We should get going." she gently pushed him so she could get out of bed. "After all, we don't want to be late."
She put on a robe and began to exit the room as she tied it up. But before she did, she quickly went back to the bed and kissed Wally.
"Come on." she smiled.
His face lit up and he got out of bed.

It's been more than a year since we've last seen our heroes. By now, they have adjusted to their new lives and have settled into their routine.
However, today was a very special day. (Y/n) read about it in the papers this morning as they had breakfast.

This morning, the King and Queen of Hearts will leave for the Queen's home Kingdom to celebrate the sixty-fifth anniversary of Ruth and Robert Ashwood of Ombre. The two legendary doctors who are most famous for their benevolence during the Eclipse War, accepting patients from both sides, regardless of the ongoing conflict. A dinner party was prepared by her Majesty the Queen, also known as the Lady of Spades.

Reading this made (Y/n) sigh.
"This seems to be the only thing people remember them for." she put the newspapers down and looked at her husband from across the table. "They did so much more than that!"
"Really?" he stared at her, his chin resting in the palm of his hand.
One of those new routines was that she would read the newspapers out loud every morning. That way he could learn about the news while still looking at her. It was his idea.
"Yes!" she leaned closer. "They've invented many of the medical potions we use today, despite not being magic-users! And even just five years ago, they presented a chart about the different layers from skin to bone! That is why they're legendary!" she tapped the newspapers. "Yet this article goes on about me and not them!"
"Ah, I see." he nodded along as she went on about their different exploits.
The truth was, she already told him all of this. But she seemed very passionate about the subject and the last thing he wanted was to stop her. He kept nodding along with a lovestruck smile.

"And they have been married for sixty-five years..." she sighed, leaning back in her seat. "That's the longest marriage in our kingdom, you know?"
"Don't worry. We shall beat that record."
"Ah-" she bashfully chuckled. "I'm not worried about that! Also, let's not wish divorce upon them!" she knocked on the wooden table.
"I was thinking more about when they'll eventually die-"
"Aaaah!" she knocked on the table again then pointed at him with a glare.
Wally sighed with a smile and knocked on the table with just one knuckle and with his palm facing up. Superstition was one of the things they simply could not agree on. However, if knocking on tables made her happy, then he shall gladly do it.
"Let's not talk about disasters." she said.
"You're right." he adjusted himself in his seat. "Tell me, will Walter come with us?"
"No..." she sighed. "It's rainy season back home so he'd have to stay inside, I don't know how the Ashwoods feel about dogs. And he was sick just a few days ago, I don't want the trip to upset his stomach."
"I see. How sad." he nodded.
She smiled. She knew he didn't mean that.

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