Chapter Twenty-Five

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For a short moment, when the Spades champion was believed to be the winner, the council members were simply ecstatic. And it was soon ripped away from them. The rider cheated and he was exposed in front of the whole Shuffling. Arnold was furious.
"You failure of a man!" he grabbed him by the collar then pulled down so he could be on his knees. "You know of the purpose of the Shuffling, you were bestowed the honor to come and participate at one of its events. The entire Kingdom would kill to be in your place. And you cheat?! Like a commun peasant?! Do you not realize the graveness of what you've done?!"
"M-My Lord!" he bowed, his forehead touching the grass. "I have no words to express my shame! I gave in to peer pressure!"
"Peer pressure?! Ha! A true Spades does not shake at such petty things! You could've been on the top three, won the bronze medal! But instead, you were greedy! And that greed brought you here now! At my feet, pleading for mercy!"

"[A King shall not stand any disrespect.]"

Arnold wanted to punish him, make him pay for putting him, the others, and the entire Kingdom of Spades to shame. It was important that the people here knew that the council members had nothing to do with this cheater.
"Marquis of Spades, please."
Arnold's eyes widened. The King of Hearts was now beside him, whether he got here by magic or sheer speed, he didn't know for certain. His hand was grabbing his wrist, preventing him from taking out his sword. Despite the calm smile on the King's face, Arnold did put up a silent fight, trying to move his hand. But it was no use.

"[The pest again.]"

"You..." he inaudibly whisper before speaking. "This is Spades business, your Highness."
"Ah, but this happened during the Shuffling. As the Master of Ceremony, it is I who should resolve the matter, as I said I shall do."
The King finally let go of him and took a step back, his hands behind his back. Arnold faced him.
"You said you would find out what happened, and now we know what happened. Thank you very much, I shall take it from here."
"You?" he tilted his head, looking impressed. "How refreshing to see such autonomy from such a young man."
"Is that sarcasm?" his eyes narrowed.
"Oh I'm told I'm not so good at that sort of thing." he said with furrowed brows. "Anyhow, if it makes you feel better, you could join me as I look for a suitable punishment, along with the new, true results of today's chariot race." he smiled, his eyes narrowed. "I would be happy to take you under my wing for today."

"[He thinks you're weak. Make him pay! Make him pay! Silence him once and for all!]"

Arnold could feel his hand shaking, yearning to grab his sword again. But instead, he closed it into a tight fist.
"Heh." he forced a smile, glaring. "It's just like the King of Hearts to stick his nose into other people's business."
The King's eyelid twitched. Somehow, Arnold knew he struck a chord. Somehow, he knew the King had something to hide. Not in general, he knew every member of the nobility had something to hide. But specifically now, something big, something he doesn't want anybody to know...
"What do you know of your own business, young Marquis?"
"What did you just say to me?" he spoke in a graver voice, unable to hide his animosity anymore. "What are you insinuating exactly?!"
"Oh nothing harmful." he raised his hands. "It's okay to not be much of a businessman, I have quite some trouble myself. Except when I know a situation is out of my area of expertise, I know how to hand over the reins to someone better qualified than me. Some might say, someone who's more worthy." he said that last sentence quietly.
Arnold was hit with a sharp pain, non-physical, which was the worst kind. It only made this boiling feeling of rage twist his stomach more.
"Oh yeah? You wanna go there?! Listen here you little sh-"
"That is enough my Lord!"

The two men looked over to see (Y/n), walking up to them and facing Arnold, standing between him and the King.
"One would think that two weeks into the Shuffling, you would learn how to keep your temper in check." she spoke again with a stern voice.
Arnold was taken aback. He looked at the King, then back at her.
"Are you serious?! You're taking his side?!"
"His Majesty is right, this concerns him as well. This happened on his estate. He's inviting you to deal with the matter together – which is an honor – and you're just acting so... Rude!"
"An honor?! Please." he rolled his eyes. "You know he said it out of pity!"
"Well then if you don't want to build a good relationship with the King of Hearts, that is your prerogative."
"What are you saying right now-"
"I'm saying that if you don't want to act like a mature adult, fine!"

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