Chapter Eighteen

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One thing for sure about the people of Spades: their pride was indeed unlike any other.
Lady (Y/n) frowned, but managed to remain calm nonetheless.
"My apologies, but you are mistaking." she said. "I am just like them. I understand that you mean to compliment me, to lift me up by putting down my peers. However, I'm afraid to tell you that I do not feel complimented. So please, next time, cast me aside with the rest of 'them". Thank you." she curtsied. "If you'll excuse me."
She left, now knowing what kind of things they'll say behind her back. She looked for Arnold, more actively than before, and found him talking with his elder friends. He didn't seem bothered by the situation. Was he not aware that he was suspect number one?
'No, he definitely knows.' she thought.
"My Lord?" she called as she went up to the men.
The entire group dropped their smiles and looked at her, only Arnold looked surprised.

"My Lords." she curtsied.
"Aaah little Spades Lady!" one of them said as the rest of them smiled, now that she had greeted them. "What a pleasure to be in your presence!"
"Truly an honor!" another one said.
Considering the situation she was now aware of, she didn't believe they were being genuine.
"You flatter me." she bowed her head. "If my Lord, the Marquis of Spades isn't busy, may I request a moment of his time alone?"
The men looked at Arnold, who inhaled and cleared his throat before looking at her with no more emotions on his face.
"Certainly, you may." he nodded.
"Thank you." she took a step aside for him to lead the way.

He led the two of them somewhere deeper into the gardens, out of sight and out of earshot. Arnold then faced her and folded his arms.
(Y/n) opened her mouth, but then pursed her lips, her eyebrows furrowed and her eyes became glassy as her emotions surfaced.
"Arnold I... I'm sorry."
His eyes widened, clearly he didn't expect that.
"You were right, I was blind. I neglected you- I neglected everyone!" she held her head, closing her eyes. "So many things are happening right now, and now someone attacked the Count's mother and everybody thinks it's you. And I promise I'll-"
"You don't think I did it?"
She paused and looked at him, hurt that he'd think she would believe such a thing. She considered that a failure on her part.
"No. No of course not. Of course you didn't do it." she stepped closer. "You would never."
Arnold frowned and looked down, unfolding his arms. She looked down as well, seeing his shaky fists. Gently, she took his hand in a loose grip.
"I'm sorry... The last thing I want is to hurt you. You know that."
She tilted her head so that she'd be within his sight, but he turned his head. She reached a hand to touch his cheek.

"Arnold I-"
Seeing her hand approaching, the Young Marquis tensed up, his eyes widened. He slapped her hand away – as if she was trying to attack him – before taking a couple of steps back. (Y/n) was in shock, too much so to even cry in pain. She held her now aching red hand as the two of them just stared at each-other for a moment.
Finally, Arnold inhaled and cleared his throat. He relaxed and fixed his posture.
"I'm not hurt." he looked at her with a cold expression, his voice clear and stern. "I'm through."
(Y/n) felt a sharp pain in her heart.
"You made me realize that I need to follow my own plan, take matters into my own hands. I'm done relying on you. I am sick and tired of having you hold my hand and drag me along like a child." he took a deep breath, calming himself down before he could get too worked up. "I'll be more independent, more mature. Happy?"
He started walking away.
"Wait, Arnold!" she called out for him. "What are you going to do? What is your plan?"
"I'll just do what you do," he glanced back at her. "make the best of my situation."

(Y/n)'s eyes went big. She followed him back to the party, anything she told him on the way there fell into deaf ears. Arnold move to the middle of the crowd while she stayed at the gardens' entrance under an arch, looking over the scene from afar. His decisive stride caught the attention of everyone, with each step he took, people stopped and watched. Despite the attention he already had, Arnold took a glass and tapped it with a spoon, making the musicians stop.
"Esteemed guests of the Shuffling!" he spoke with a loud clear voice so that everybody could hear him. "We've all heard of what happened to the Count's mother at this point. Don't think I didn't hear the rumors about me following that, but do let me put those rumors to rest... By confirming them!" he smirked. "Yes. I did cast the spell that made her like this!"
There were gasps throughout the party. (Y/n)'s heart sunk.

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