Chapter Seven

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Somewhere in the King of Hearts' estate, an outdoors theater stage was being constructed and everything was going smoothly. From a window of the castle's third floor, a young woman was watching, still in her nightgown for it was still early morning. A beautiful robe embedded in shimmering crystals in the shape of stars, its light fabric easily floating in the wind, magically altered to make chime noises as it does. The lady had a grave expression on her face.
"In this regal palace, my presence reigns supreme." she spoke, even though she was alone. "A paragon of popularity. Behold." she turned around and began to move about her chamber with elegance, almost dancing. "Every step, every word, a calculated dance on the edge of destiny. As time passes and stakes rise, a wrong move threatens to dethrone me. But with poise and mystique, I navigate this intricate world of power and desire, captivating all who reside within these noble walls. But to thine own self be true- Oh wait." she abruptly stopped with a frown. "That's already taken."
With a hand to her chin, she walked to her desk, on which were piles of scattered papers and writing materials. She made a few changes to what she's most recently wrote.
"Oh but it's such a good line..." she hummed, thinking. "Maybe if I change the wording, no one will be the wiser." she smirked.

Someone knocked at her door. She stood straight, putting back her serious and poised expression.
"Enter." she spoke loud and clear.
"Hey Sally?" her butler and friend of many years opened the door. "Please don't tell me you'll skip breakfast again. The Hearts people will start to get offended if you keep declining-"
"Non-sense Jeremiah!" she waved a hand in a dismissive manner. "After all, I have been personally invited by his Majesty the King. For he entrusts me and my genius creative spirit to put up simply the best play in history. For a grand event such as the Shuffling, of course he would only ask the best of the best, and he would never let anyone question my creative process. Especially since I am from the prestigious Court of Stars, originated from the infinite beauty of space!" she stroke a pose, pointing up at the sky.
"Creative process? Malnourishment. Great."
"Thankfully however, I have been on a roll ever since I have awoken from my slumber! And I do feel like eating after coming up with such a fresh original monologue!"

She took a few papers with her to read over breakfast.
"Come along now, Jeremiah!"
"Okay, once and for all, why are you calling me that, and why do I have to dress like a dude?"
"Why for the thrill of it, my good friend!" she wrapped an arm around them and pulled them closer with an excited spark in her eyes. "This is the Shuffling. Everyone must have secrets to keep."
Indeed, everyone in the Shuffling has secrets, some deeper than others. Being from the Court of Stars came with an unshakable prestige, even for their servants. Living in space and being literal celestial bodies was a big deal, especially to the people of Earth. So no matter your status, you will be treated like nobility by them. Which was very convenient for Lady Starlet.

For you see, Sally Starlet wasn't actually of noble birth. Her and her friend were servants at the castle of their kingdom. When their King received the invitation for the Shuffling, he dismissed it, for he had "more important things to do". As Sally went to throw the letter away, as she was ordered to, she read it "by accident".

One thing your realm is known for is its ability to make an audience bear witness to breath-taking sights. I myself was simply blown away by a play one of your people put up last Shuffling. As a humble request, and an opportunity for our kingdoms to collaborate once more, I would like that same person – whoever it may be – to come back and put on another play to be performed on the fourth and final week of this event. As an act of trust, they may have complete creative control over production.

Sally didn't have to read any further. She's made up her mind and simple could not pass on this golden opportunity. With the help of her friend, they've intercepted their King's letter declining the invitation, and forged their own. In this new response, they told the King of Hearts that the King of the Court of Stars was feeling unwell and so wouldn't be able to attend the Shuffling and that the playwright who put on the play he loved so much all these years ago has retired– which was actually true – however, they would instead send their successor, a young and brilliant prodigy, who already captured the hearts of many.

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