Chapter Twenty-Four

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The fencing competition was going wonderfully! Arnold felt in his element, he was earning victory after victory. Sure he had to admit that he was being a bit sloppy. But that was only because he was having so much fun, like during the talent show, he'd add a little pizzazz for the audience! And they would love it! They'd applaud and cheer, and he noticed how (Y/n) was being the loudest of them all. It made his heart jump with joy.
'I'll definitely win the cup!'
He eventually went up against the Queen of Clubs herself! He knew of her reputation and knew he was already at a disadvantage, he never got to see her skills while she could've watched him for the entire competition...
"Arnold, right?" she asked as they faced each-other.
"Queen of Clubs." he nodded.
'It doesn't matter. I just have to take her off guard.'
"I only have one request." he got in position. "Don't hold back."
She smirked and did the same.

At first, when the fight started, Arnold was pleasantly surprised. Throughout this competition so far he had to go easy on everyone to make the matches interesting to watch, but the Queen's skills were of another level, one equal to his. He hasn't had a real challenge ever since he bested all of his tutors!
Arnold knew that if this was a real fight, if it weren't for all these rules, all these technicalities and formalities, he would've won a long time ago. But it went on for a while, and she was treating this like this was a lesson and she was a tutor.

"[She doesn't take you seriously.]"

It was like she wasn't taking him seriously! And she'd often make some witty comment thinking she was being clever. And the whole audience was eating it up too! He has been winning non-stop since the beginning of this competition, why was everybody cheering for her now?! And she'd always end her sentence with a high-pitched giggle!

"[So annoying.]"

'So annoying! I have to win! The Spades need this!'
As the fight went on, Arnold's desperation and frustration built up into something different, something burning. That feeling went into that last strike when he spotted an opening and hit her so hard it knocked the air out of her and went flying, colliding against a wall.

His heart dropped. The audience gasped. For a silent moment, he was afraid he had killed her, and he could only imagine the terrible consequences that would follow. But she stood up and she seemed okay. Both relieved and ecstatic from his victory, Arnold took off his helmet and laughed loudly as the crowd cheered!
But it wasn't cheering for him. For a moment he believed that things were turning around for him, but the crowd always found a way to give him the short end of the stick.

"[But you earned it.]"

Despite the perfect run he has made during this competition – On his first try! Something not even the Queen of Clubs achieved! – he would never be put at the top, not as the sole winner. After all, this is a friendly competition, they're all friends here, nobody truly loses. But nobody truly wins either.

"[Even she doesn't care.]"

'Surely she isn't-?'
He looked over to (Y/n) and his heart sunk. She was also looking at the Queen, relieved. He scoffed. Was she not on his side? When did she start to care so much about the Queen? When did he stop being her priority?

"[It's not fair.]"

'This isn't fair!'
And so, he yelled out his feelings. Although he was addressing her, it looked like he was addressing the audience. At some point, the Queen of Clubs made another one of her stupid comments, with her voice that, at this moment, Arnold found particularly annoying. It took everything he had in him not to punch her in the face. He was so hectic, like he was losing himself...
"My Lord, please!"
(Y/n)'s loud voice snapped him out of it.
"I humbly beg of you! Please calm down!"
Panting slightly, Arnold looked around him. He saw the King of Hearts, closer to him than before, a glove in his hand, glaring at him. He was about to challenge him to a duel. Arnold looked back at the audience, the people who applauded him not even an hour ago, now looking at him like a hot-tempered child. Again. He looked back at (Y/n), she had a pleading look on her face.

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