Chapter Twenty-One

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After a nice quick dinner, Lady (Y/n) led the King of Hearts to somewhere he could sleep. They stopped in front of a door that Wally never saw opened before. (Y/n) took a moment before opening the door and going in. A large bedroom, with a king size bed. Despite the lack of dust or cobwebs, the place was a bit too tidied up, as if the only people who've ever been there were the cleaning crew.
"Could this be...?"
"My parents' room, yes." she looked around. "A little old-fashioned, even for me." she chuckled.
She then realized something and gasped.
"My goodness, what am I doing?" she held her head. "Making you sleep in the room whose previous owners are dead! I'm very sorry, my King." she bowed her head. "You can take my room, I shall sleep here."
Despite his curiosity, Wally shook his head.
"No need, my Lady. I wouldn't want to risk bringing back painful memories by letting you sleep here. Worry not about me, I'm not at all scared of ghosts." he smiled.
"Well ghosts aren't scary, they can't hurt you. But they can haunt you."
"Ah. So you do believe in ghosts."
(Y/n)'s eyes widened for a moment. She had forgotten about the lie she told at the masquerade. Wally chuckled.

"I do insist, let me sleep here."
"Alright, if you insist." she nodded. "I shall leave you now. If you need anything, just a tug on this cord will summon a butler."
"Very well."
"I bid you goodnight then." she bowed.
"As do I." he paused. "You are going to sleep, correct?"
"O-Of course." she nodded. "Naturally, as the Lady of the House, I should be on my feet at the first sign of trouble."
"If the trouble in question is of a medical nature, I would advice to leave it to the night team which you yourself have set up. You've been working without a rest ever since we stepped foot into this house until now. And I believe it's safe to assume that this has been your schedule ever since you came back to your homeland. Surely you can let others work while you take a much deserved night of rest."
"But what if it isn't something medical? What if it's something more dangerous?"
"It won't be."

(Y/n) looked for something to say, but his certainty made her speechless. After a moment, she sighed.
"Very well, your Highness, have a good night." she made her way to the door, but stopped in the doorway and faced him once again. "And...Thank you."
"You don't have to thank me." he shook his head. "At least, not until every patient is cured from the plague."
"...Right." she smiled. "Goodnight."
When he was left alone, Wally took a look around. He felt small in this room, like its importance was large but unspoken, which only added to the sense that there was a true history behind everything, every piece of furniture, every homemade artwork that decorated its walls. But that didn't bother him at all. Wally liked feeling small, in a life where he felt like he was above everything and everyone.
Not being able to partake in his usual nightly routine did bother him. However, with how tired he was, he quickly fell asleep nonetheless.

Wally – as usual – woke up before the Sun even rose. With a yawn, he stood up and put on his glamour. He looked at himself in the mirror and smiled, satisfied. After dressing himself up for the day, he walked across the room and took the opportunity to open the curtains. Very little light was added to the room, and when he looked out, he stopped in his tracks to look closely. Below, sitting on the little steps of the patio was Lady (Y/n), throwing a stick for her dog to go fetch. He couldn't see the look on her face. He only hoped she wasn't too cold, out there in the morning of the Spades Kingdom.
He then sat at the vanity in the room and began to write two letters. One for his friends and one for Miss Partridge only. He wrote the latter one first, since he knew for sure what he wanted to say and so was quick to finish it. As for the other letter, he asked Julie and Frank to bring some things that were needed for the doctors and healers. But after listing a few items, he drew a blank. He thought for a long moment, but couldn't think of anything more, and he didn't want to risk missing anything.
'She would know for sure...' he looked towards the window.
He didn't want to disturb her in what was probably her morning routine. But he knew it was important to send this letter as soon as possible. And so, he wrapped his cape around his shoulders and exited the manor. The majority of the patients were still asleep, so he was careful to remain as quiet as a mouse, which he achieved with ease. Although, on the way, he was stopped by one of the maids who offered to get him breakfast, he couldn't refuse and got himself a cup of coffee with some sugar cubes. He went out the back door and approached the Lady.

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