Chapter Eight

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"Oh my gosh!" (Y/n) exclaimed after Julie's big reveal. "It was them the whole time?!"
"The whole time!" she intensely nodded.
"I hope you got back at them for such a stunt." Frank huffed. "It's only fair."
"Oh I got a few pranks up my sleeve." she giggled with a smirk. "I've been waiting for an opportunity to use them!"
"Remind me to never get on your bad side, Julie." Wally chuckled.
There was a pause in their conversation. Lady (Y/n) has been so captivated by the Queen's tale that she has forgotten all about her anxiousness, for at least a little while. For as soon as silence settled...
'Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh! I am sitting at the same table as the three royals!!!' she gripped her cup, trying to stop her hands from shaking. 'Nobody has been talking for so long!' it's been a few seconds. 'It's very probably because I'm here, I made it so awkward for them! I'm sorry!!!'

"By the way, Frank." Wally looked at his friend. "Have you decided on what talent you will be presenting at the talent show?"
"Yes. I have decided to not participate."
"Ah? Why is that?"
"Because knowledge isn't a talent. Simple as that."
"Oh but no one is as knowledgeable as you, your Highness." (Y/n) said. "I heard your personal library is so large, it has its own building!"
"Well I can't really pick it off the ground and bring it here, now can I?"
"R-right, I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize, Franky was just joking!" Julie giggled, patting her friend's shoulder and shaking it.
'He was?'

"He is not the best at conveying emotions I'm afraid." Wally chuckled.
"Excuse me?!" Frank sat up straight. "Says the one who literally cannot frown."
"That's not true."
"Try it now!" Julie pointed.
"I can't."
"Why not?" Frank folded his arms.
"I have nothing to frown about."
"Quick, someone say something mean!" Julie waved her hands in excitement.
"I-I could never!" (Y/n) shook her head.
"Just think of something that really ticks you off!" she turned back to Wally. "Like whenever your servants put the sugar in your coffee!"
"I do hate it when that happens..."
"You don't like sugar in your coffee?" (Y/n) tilted her head.
"On the contrary. It's just that he prefers to put in the sugar cubes himself." Frank said. "Said it's part of his process."
"Oh!" she puffed a chuckle.

"But why would I frown, in such joyful moments?" Wally smiled, opening his arms.
"Oh come on," Frank rolled his eyes. "you're telling us you can't frown on command?" he turned towards (Y/n). "(L/n), frown."
She did so immediately. It made Julie giggle.
"See?" he turned back to him. "Frowning is easy."
"Maybe for you, but not for me." he said, adding another sugar cube to his tea.
'He has a sweet tooth.' (Y/n) noted.

"And what about you Julie?" he asked. "What sportive prowess will you showcase this time?"
'She plays sports?!' (Y/n) thought. 'Actually...I shouldn't be surprised.'
"Actually, I don't wanna do it."
"Yeah! I wanna see everyone else for once, I can't do that if I participate."
"I see, understandable." he nodded. "Lady (L/n)?"
Said lady became tense.
"Oh yeah!" Julie looked at her. "What's your talent?"
"Assuming that I have one..." she mumbled under her breath before clearing her throat. "Um, well, what I have is more of a fun quirk than anything. And I also want to see everyone else's talent. So..."
"...So I'm the only one at this table who will participate?" Wally asked?

"I-I'm sor-"
"Of course you are." Frank shrugged. "Only His Highness is ever so willing to show off his painting skills."
"Show off?" he placed a hand over his heart. "You're hurting me, Frank. The talent show isn't a competition, therefore I can allow myself to participate."
"Oh don't act like you didn't put on a talent show just so you would have an excuse to paint!"
"I have no idea what you're talking about. Here, have some more sugar." he slid the small bowl towards him. "It'll make you sweeter."
"What's that supposed to mean?!" he frowned while Julie giggled.
"You paint, your Majesty?" (Y/n) asked.
"Why yes," he nodded. "ever since I was a boy. I find it very calming."

Total Eclipse of the Heart (Royal AU Wally x reader)Where stories live. Discover now