Class populars

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No ones pov
It was Kokushibo's last week at the school so the upperclasses threw a party only for them, it was a blast. Everyone was having fun, playing music, playing games, being zesty and of course getting drunk. Daki was busy flirting with nakime while gyutaro got dragged upstairs by kaigaku. Douma was too drunk to even say a one word, kokushibo had to literally drag him to his room, akaza was dancing like crazy, gokkyo was making drinks. It was chaotic. "Douma you need to sit down! You're not dancing while being drunk, who knows what will happen when you go out there!" Douma only gave kokushibo a hum as a response, getting up from his bed and walking towards kokushibo.

Kokushibo's pov

"Douma! Let me go, someone could be watching!" I said, looking at douma and then at the door. "Oh CoMe On KoKuShIbO-dOnO! It'S nOt LiKe AnYoNe WoUlD KnOw!~" broski was so drunk he sounded like akaza. Ugh, this is what I get for letting that dumbass, not flashy, not cool, ugly, stupid, disgusting, fuckface, motherfucking gokkyo make the fucking drinks. He deserved to be in the trunk. Douma's parents didn't care if he had a party but just cared about the house and him. They said that the house should be clean after every party he throws is finished. Plus, his parents are gonna be gone for the whole summer, it's not like he will throw so many party's or sleepovers. Hopefully the party will be over with soon, this noise is killing me..after about like uh..25 minutes I heard the door open and people saying bye. Maybe it was everyone's side friends that they had brought over. "Finally, the party's over. I hope the house isn't a big mess.." I pulled douma off of me since he fell asleep and tucked him in bed, I got up and walked to the door to see if there was any mess that needed to be cleaned. After hearing what seemed like the last goodbye, I walked downstairs and saw barely a crumb anywhere, the house was just like it was when everyone got here. Maybe those people know how to be clean, unlike a specific fishy breath, ugly, uncool, unclean, no shower in like 3 months, trunk, unflamboyant, boy named gokkyo. "Oh hey kokushibo! How's douma?" Daki said, putting everything away with akaza and gyutaro's help. "He's sleeping right now, it best not to wake him up." "Bro, I can't believe you're moving! Why can't you just live near douma?" Stinky fish said, I honestly can't believe I'm friends it's his stinky fish breath ass. "These houses are too expensive, plus if I wanted to live here I would've had the money to." Akaza slapped gokkyo on the back of the head, seems like I'm not the only one who can't stand him. "Broski shut it! Honestly your more annoying than douma!" "Thats not very flamboyant of you akaza!" Those two kept arguing like two toddlers fighting over a damn toy. "Can you two knuckleheads stop? You're going to wake douma up!" Akaza continued to help daki and Gokkyo continued to admire himself on his phone. God I can't wait till I get a house if my own..

Douma's pov

Ugh, I can't even sleep without hearing someone shout. I feel like I can't even sleep in my own house, in my own room! God..if this noise doesn't stop I'm going downstairs and cussing out everyone. "...shut up you two!" Is all I heard from down there, I had enough. I can't sleep, my head hurts, my lover is moving, and my body feels like plastic. Whatever, I'll just go down there. I got up from my bed and noticed the door was already opened, Hm, that means someone was in my room. I continued walking till I reached the stairs, seeing kokushibo yelling at akaza and gokkyo was funny but a diva needs his beauty sleep! I marched downstairs and hugged koku-dono from behind, this is the only way I can relax. "So please shut your mo- oh, hey douma, what's wrong dear?" "Can't sleep.." he turned his attention back to akaza and gokkyo and turned around to look at me face to face. "How about we go back upstairs and have a nap? I think we all need one after tonight's party." Everyone agreed and walked to their rooms, well, I didn't walk. I was carried! And the best part about that was I was being carried by koku-dono! After reaching my room, he placed me on the bed and walked to the bathroom to take a shower or I think he was. And he came out with no shirt on, I should be use to seeing him with no shirt on but goddamn he fucking fine without a shirt. I wonder who/what the next years upperclasses class populars will be..

891 words! Hopefully you guys are enjoying this au/series I made since it is my first story I've ever written. Sorry for the short chapters I lost some motivation on those, next chapter will be based on Kokushibo's life after 7 years of never seeing the friend group ever again. Hint: he will see one person in the future!!!!
Stay tuned for chapter 9: lover's reunion!!!

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