Icicle journey.

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Thank you to whoever asked me to do a hashira au! This is for whoever said that, love you❤️

The moon Hashira, Michikatsu, entered the Paradise Manison with his face bleeding and his body having multiple wounds and injuries. He saw Inosuke pop his head out and his eyes immediately widened as he ran over to the wounded Hashira and started asking him multiple questions about what happened to him. "Michikatsu-sama, what happened?! Are you okay? You probably need at least thirty bandages for all these wounds and injuries, did any get infected yet? Which demon did you fight?!" Michikatsu looked down at the worried boy and sighed, knowing Inosuke would always ask anyone so many questions if they had so much wounds or injuries. "I'm fine Inosuke, can you treat me?" Inosuke's face soften as he looked up at the Hashira, shaking his head in embarrassment due to his lack of knowledge about medicine and healing, but lucky he knew someone who could help. "I'm sorry but I can't..I'm still training, but I know someone who can! Follow me!" He responded embarrassed but soon became happy, walking upstairs to a room that was closed. Faint talking could be heard from behind the door as Inosuke knocked on it, the talking soon stopped as the door opened to reveal the Ice Hashira. A 4'11 (switched with Shinobu's height..GOD DAMN MY MAN IS SHORT😃) man with long and curly light blonde hair, (you know the eyes) who was wearing such an elegant and angelic haori that had lotuses, and ice shreds on the back of it (I don't know why I did this but you guys know I have to make my dadd- I mean, Douma sound good😍) standing in the doorway with a smile on his face and a syringe in his hand. Looking up at Michikatsu and telling the person he was working with to go see someone else. He motioned Michikatsu and Inosuke to come in and have a seat. "It's a pleasure to see you here, Michikatsu-dono, injuries and wounds again?" He asked, raising an eyebrow as he looked at Michikatsu while grabbing some medicine, ointment, and bandages. "Mhm, I don't get why I have to go on the most difficult and dangerous missions, despite me being the strongest here..but you get it, right?"


I looked at Michikatsu-dono and shook my head, thinking what it would be like if Muzan-sama ever gave me a hard mission, it's not like he would except me to come back since he despises  me. "I don't! Muzan-sama never gave me any hard missions despite me being the second strongest here, can you take your shirt off? I'll have someone get you a new one." I gave Michikatsu-dono some privacy as I turned around and started looking for some sewing supplies just in case I needed to sew some wounds up. After hearing fabric being taken off I turned around and looked at him, and oh my...I never thought I would say this about my comrade but he's so handsome..more handsome than Hakuji-dono(Akaza)! "Let's see...one, two, three, four...ten different wounds? That's a new record Michikatsu-dono! Congratulations!" I cleaned up the deeper wounds and wrapped them up with the bandages, adding some ointment to the smaller ones and sewing them together. I get to touch Michikatsu-Dono's skin! It's so smooth, I don't know where I even got this feelings from, I use to like Hakuji-dono but now I like Michikatsu-dono?! It's like my heart just wants everyone at this point...


After trying to stay still and fight the pain the needle was giving me, I was finally done with the pain. I looked at my old uniform and threw it away since it was too torn to wear again. "I thank you, Douma, I don't know what the hashiras would be like if you weren't here." I actually thought the hashiras would be much better if he wasn't here. I'm not the type to gossip about someone but he's too annoying and dumb, I honestly doubt he would know what I'm saying if I speak start speaking Russian...not like anyone would know, I'm the only person that speaks Russian and is part Russian. Which sucks, but whatever...I thanked Douma and left, grabbing my haori and leaving the Paradise Mansion. Walking into the retailer who gave me a new uniform and grabbing it from them and walking away, I may hate Douma but damn...he's hot, I'm not like Hakuji who hates Douma to his guts, but without Douma the demon slayer corps would've been gone..maybe he can be useful for something for once. I walked back to the Moon Estate and put on my new uniform, looking at myself in the mirror and fixing clothes a bit before I was satisfied with the results, I'm so glad I didn't get that weird pervert Douma got when he had to get his uniform. The man literally thought Douma was a GIRL...a girl because he looks feminine and he's short, the uniform was a girls that had a short skirt and an open shirt...Douma was too damn shy to ask for another one because it was his first time here and he knew nobody so he stuck with it and everyone back then thought he was a girl because of it, I was the only one who knew that was a boy. Honestly, just walking past the Earth Estate makes me sick(Hakuji aka Akaza's estate) it's horrendous. I hate that damn man to death, I cant wait till he gets on another mission so I won't have to see his face ever again. Me and him can never get along and we always fight over the smallest things, he's so damn annoying it's a damn in the ass.

This was so late...anyways, 1,012 words!! I hope you guys don't mind that I made a few headcanons about the UpperMoon Trio, just read the top and you'll see what they're from and what they speak!(I had a headache trying to think what Douma should be..I knew he should be Argentina but like..what else?? I did French but tell me what I should make him to replace French!!)

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