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Wonyoung's POV:

I was currently laughing hard, as she tucked herself to the crook of my neck and shoulders. Her cheek dusted with a light tinge of pink and red out of embarrassment. Yujin was a charming woman, there were palpable sparks the first time I'd invited her to my unit to work on our report or it could be just me, I'm not sure. See, it all started a week after Freshman year started for us, I was accelerated by a year together with Yoona. Seol Yoon Ah was smart too, but she likes to keep herself low profile. I was the outgoing one out of us two. Anyway, as I was saying, the first week, I took notice of her. She was charismatic, a smile that could easily melt you, a dreamy over all look to her. Especially when she finger combs her floppy hair that accidentally falls over her face. She has a goofy puppy-like smile that pulls you in and makes you want to dote on her. My first impressions were that she was an airhead with the way she talks and flirted with girls who were obviously crushing on her. She had round oversized glasses frames that had thick lenses, the pup may as well be legally blind. Then a month passed, she and I appeared to be the strictest contenders for the Top 1 spot in class, only I wasn't interested in being an overachiever, my grades would always fall behind hers especially if I wasn't interested in the subject. Literature and Math were my strongest suits, where I'd actually beaten her. I loved to read literature, I could always get lost in a novel or story, an easy escape from my life.

I liked her, but she was and still is an airhead so full of confidence. She wasn't popular either in the social hierarchy at School. So, I wouldn't be caught talking to her. It was a persona I developed until the second quarter, when we were partnered up on the report. She had then recently gotten clear contact lenses, losing the round oversized frames that hid her beauty. She had her long hair pulled up in a ponytail that revealed her dimpled left cheek and I just had to make a move on her, despite Sunghoon already shooting shots at me and despite the social hierarchy dictating that I end up with Sunghoon, it never felt right. I made a move on her and Oh boy, I really got myself in trouble with what I've started with her. She awakened all my nasty kinks and in the middle of the heat, I accidentally called her Daddy and my then request to be finger fucked so hard was granted perhaps even harder than I expected, because I was thoroughly fucked that night. She was a sweetheart, who always placed a forehead kiss and thanked me right after pulling her finger out. She never asked to return the favor although I was more than willing to, but she would always slip out of bed when I finally took a nap from all the sexing we did, I never really had the chance to return the favor to her. So, this year, my resolve was made up, I was going to return the favor to her right after she gives me an orgasm, to try some more things with her and to finally get out of Sunghoon and I's stale relationship. Everything fell into place a week prior to Chuseok Holiday, Sunghoon was trying to get me in bed and leading up to the day before Chuseok Holiday when he blatantly asked me to prove my love for him by having sex with him.

Who in their right mind would ask a girl to prove her love for him by having sex? When he barely knew me. He barely remembered things I liked and enjoyed. Heck, he wasn't even observant with the things I valued and liked. He just thought of me as his trophy girlfriend. Showing off to the world that he had me, he could hold me in a specific manner no one ever dared to hold me. But this giant shy puppy who's currently hiding at the crook of my neck, she was different and observant. A far better lover if I am being honest. She remembers the things I liked such as the flavor and brand of Ice Cream I always got, the bars of chocolates I enjoyed and the gummies I liked. She was too polite and pure which counters her Domineering Daddy persona I assigned to her. She even apologizes cutely every time she choked me and she'd do it on intervals too, not that I minded being choked, I honestly loved it the first time she did this to me.

"Hey, I'm only teasing you. Thank you for thinking my eyes are lovely night ocean eyes, I was never told by anyone, you're the first one." I whispered to her and placed a reassuring kiss on top of her head.

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