D-Day 1

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Wonyoung's POV:

Today was a buzz, everyone's rushing, coming in and out of our Green Room at the Yes24 Live Hall. We are getting ready for our debut showcase, everyone was just in a hurry to hook us up with microphones and transmitter packs, in between getting our hair and make up done. The last three weeks were full of excitement and positivity. Our maknaes Eunchae and Hyein finally learned the pace of the steps. Their perseverance for this debut impressed me, they look lovely currently as Zuha and I sat in front of the vanity mirror and got ourselves glammed up. The kids sat quietly, some doing stretching and vocalizing exercises and some like Hyein who is just calmly singing her lines to our song. She was always into phone photography, capturing some beautiful photos of our members in their rawest and most beautiful selves. She liked to creep up and take photos of us. My place was now filled with Willow's fur and toys. She took over the whole house and was more energetic. She seemed to be a different kitten upon her recovery in less than a week. She was a rambunctious kitten, her cute and mischievous antics never failed to make me amazed, she used to be weak according to Yujin's accounts of the time she spent caring for Willow. It was a surprise for her, how fast she recovered and was back to being a playful kitten. I always loved cats and bunnies, bunnies more of something to compromise with my request to have a pet at home. I learned to love Bunnies as well, despite loving cats. She was perfectly behaved though, always cuddling up to me on weekends we spent at home. Yujin and Willow often had loving staredowns, Yujin loved to put Willow on top of her chest and stare at her lovely green eyes. Willow seemed to love Yujin's Goldendoodle Pup energy she exudes. When I look at them having these moments, I see our future together. Never mind that people may say hurtful words towards our relationship, I just want to spend my life with her. I see our future together, filled with several pets such as dogs and cats. For now, we'll settle for little Willow who brought us so much love, I lived my life for the past three years under a pretense of being uninterested in love, over the past three years I did find love with Yujin but it was little Willow who brought us closer and more profoundly in love with the life we lived and shared. It amazes me how Willow did that, I can't wait to spend each day with them. The green room was filled with People, coming in and out of the room, Yujin was out to get snacks for the team. She was first to be glammed up along with the maknaes. Rei, Zuha Unnie and I were the next to be glammed up. Rei, who was a quiet and shy 04 liner like me, hailed from Nagoya, Japan. I was taller than her but she was much cuter than I am, her visuals gave off a high schooler vibe, her smol stature and soft speaking voice pegged her as WEVE's Secret Weapon cause her duality from a cute high school student to a stunning powerful singer who belts high notes was insane. You would be wrong to think of her as WEVE's weak member, she was meek and proper at all times, she liked to listen to music using her headphones that her grandpa gave her, it was a cute and endearing quality to her. I absolutely adore her. 

Pretty soon, Yujin barged in with snacks. The staff who was behind her similarly carried snacks with them and some carried drinks. Boba Teas and some Iced Coffees in a carrier. She smiled at me and sat on her heels beside me and handed me my Iced Vanilla Latte and snacks of Fruit Tarts that I love. She offers a gentle smile to me and proceeds to distribute the rest of the snacks and drinks in her arms. She got her bestie Zuha, an Iced Latte and a Croissant, that she loves. Zuha and I were the only two people who loved to eat Parisian Style bread, ranging from Croissants to Tarts and whatever else we could find. We went on Bakery Trips all over Korea during our down times upon first meeting her. She was friendly and very much likable. She is known as WEVE's Swan for her graceful form when dancing. Together with Producer Yunjin, they were known in the company as 'The Ballet to her Opera Duo' . It was a shame that Yunjin didn't want to be a member of our group, but she promised to produce our songs and write hits for us. We already have a young couple in the team, Danielle and Haerin, who were dating prior to making it to K²MH Entertainment, they disclosed this fact to our CEO and COO and were allowed to train together and even make their debut with us. Now, I had to disclose my relationship with Yujin as well prior to being accepted as a trainee. There was no way I was going to hide it once we've decided to take our relationship to a newer level. Ever since after the Chuseok Holiday on our Sophomore Year in College, our relationship has slowly unraveled to the public and though I got some comments as to why I would pick Yujin out of every boy that was pursuing me, some even more rich than Yujin, some even more handsomely beautiful than her. No one can convince me otherwise that there was someone out there among my list of suitors who are more suited for me than her. I refuse to believe that she was a mediocre of a lover, because she was the best lover I could ever hope for. Granted I was in the upper class of society, I was rich and could afford to give her a comfortable 2life if she would allow me to, but she was adamant in giving her share at my home, she bought Willow her food and toys, she also bought me some pretty lingerie and some dresses that I love. She also pitches in for the grocery shopping and she was even involved in restocking the fridge and cleaning up after every meal. She was very diligent about it and wouldn't allow me to move on my own. She was that adamant that I just let her be. She eventually finished distributing the snacks and drinks to everyone in the team and she took a seat with the maknaes and waited for our hair to be done. I then took sips of the drink, I was already wearing smudge proof makeup and was just waiting for the hairstylist to finish the final touches to my hair. Zuha similarly took sips on her Iced Latte as she watched Yujin take care of the maknaes as they ate. I imagine Yujin to be a good parent, because of how gentle she is and very sensitive to the younger's feelings regarding matters we had to face. She was a perfect fit for the leader position if anyone would ask me. She exuded the leader vibe all along and was really cool in handling matters, including that stylist we had previously, she was too nice to a fault that she doesn't speak harshly. She was firm, but not really making her points come across as serious. She was just too damn nice for this industry, too happy to be filled with a heavy burden and the team felt so grateful to her that we really did our best for this debut showcase. We all had the mindset to do our best regardless of how our debut showcase will turn out. She deserves a good debut showcase and so we prepared hard. We gave our all for this debut showcase and god forbid, if we hadn't given it our all the past three weeks, I don't know if we could stand in the spotlight as flops. We needed to feel good about our song and our dance steps. I reminded everyone to feel good about it until the last practice we had earlier. Soon, we were done with our hair and we sat together at the couch. Everyone of us prepared in our own way. Yujin turned towards me after making sure everyone was having their snacks. She smiled a lovely smile and asked me.

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