Chapter 12

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I was packing up my stuff for the beach tomorrow after school when the doorbell rang.
Me:Tony, get the door.
Tony: Ok.
I put my beach towel in the bag and threw it onto my beanbag chair. My door slowly creaked open and Chres peeked his head in the door.
Chres: Hey.
Me: Hey.
He walked in with some chips abs cookies.
Chres: I come in peace.
Me: Have a seat.
He sat down in my computer chair and I sat on my bed.
Chres: So how about we actually try to be friends?
Me: I said that like 2 or 3 weeks ago.
Chres: I needed some time to think and I see you and Darien around school and I know that you a genuinely happy with him.
Me: Thank you.
He tossed me stage chips.
Chres: Besides, I missed my best friend.
Me: So best friend what have you been up to?
Chres: Being rude to everybody.
I chuckled and shook my head.
Me: The crew misses you.
Chres: I know they keep telling me that I am just not up for Darien trying to start s**t.
Me: Like it or not he is my boyfriend and you are my best friend and I want you guys to be cordial.
Chres: For you I will.
Me: You better.
We chilled and talked all night. We didn't get to sleep until 3 in the morning.
After school the crew was loading up for the beach and I was looking around for Cassie.
Me: Yo was Cassie at school today?
Mia: No, but she said she gonna meet us there she over slept.
Ray: Chres is coming too.
Jacob: Mr.Grump is coming?
Ray: Yeah he said he is in a happier mood now that everything is better.
Me: What you mean better?
Liv: I don't know but you need to keep cordial.
I rolled my eyes and we got in the truck and pulled off.
After sleeping through half of the last day of school Chres and I decided that we were just going to chill.
After school the gang decided that they wanted to go to the beach and I was in charge of the snacks and drinks.
Chres: So I'm going to go get changed into my trunks and be right back.
I nodded. I threw my bag into the back seat and the cooler and snacks in the trunk. Chres walked back with a wife beater on and some swim trunks.
He got in the passenger seat and I got in the driver seat.
I drove to the beach and the crew was waiting for us. Darien was leaning on the truck and when Chres and I got out the car together Darien looked mad.
I hugged him and kissed his cheek. He pushed me off and walked away. I groaned. Chres and the guys were unloading the cars and the girls and I found spots in the sand.
Riley: So you bought Chres along?
Me: Yeah we made up yesterday. He bought me food and everything.
The girls chuckled. The guys walked up and Darien was still giving me the cold shoulder. I pulled him to our spot in the sand and sat him down.
Me: Stop being mean to me.
I sat down in front of him and looked in his eyes. He was looking off into the distance. I kissed his jaw. He looked at me. I started kissing and sucking on his neck and he playfully pushed my face away.
Me: He is my best friend, you are my boyfriend. You guys HAVE to be cordial.
Darien: I'll try.
Me: You better.
He moved my hair out of my face and kissed my neck.
Me: We need to stop remember we are taking it slow.
He nodded and tapped my thigh. I got up and pulled the cover up over my head. I tossed it onto my bag and ran into the water.
As Cassie ran into water I watched her and bit my lip. She waved me over and I got up and walked over to her. She grabbed my hand and we went further into the water. I was carrying her and she had her arms around my shoulders. We looked into each other's eyes and stared at each other.
She got down and walked away.
As I watched their little moment I tensed up. I watched as she walked back over to me and just laid her head on my chest without saying a word.
Cassie: I'm so sorry.
Me: It's alright at least y'all didn't do anything.
Cassie: I didn't mean to
I kissed her head and rubbed her back. She had her legs wrapped around my waist and I rubbed her a** and she kissed my neck. I'm not going to lie and say that moment ain't piss me off but I lost her once I'm NOT losing her again.
Me: I'm about to get in the water you relax.
Cassie: But I want to come.
She got up and I took my shirt off and took my shoes off. I put my phone in Cassie bag and picked her up and ran to the water. We were playing in the water and I kissed her neck. She jumped on my waist and kissed me all over my face.
Mia: Yall keep it cute. No f**king in the water.
Everybody laughed. I even saw Chres talking to some girl. We we're having a pretty good time.
We were all sitting around the camp fire in our little couples. Everybody has somebody even people who aren't dating somebody.
Cassie was leaning on me and we had the blanket around us. We were making s'mores. Cassie refused to make a s'more though she was just eating roasted marshmallow and chocolate.
Me: Just add the graham cracker.
Cassie: I don't like s'mores. I don't even like graham crackers unless I'm extremely hungry.
Me: You always hungry.
Cassie: Not extremely.
The crew laughed.
Riley: Can you guys believe we will be seniors in less than 2 months?
Mia: Right and then we have prom graduation vas what not.
Cassie:And I hope I mature I can't look childish for the rest of my life.
Me: But you're my little baby.
I kissed her. We got really passionate after a minute and they pulled us apart.
Cassie: So do you have a ride to your car home or do I need to take you?
Me: I drove I have to go drop off everybody else.
She nodded and we all got up ready to leave. I watched as Chres and Cassie loaded up her car and they wouldn't look at each other. I chuckled and finished put my stuff in the trunk.
It was a quiet ride back besides the radio playing.
Chres: So what was that in the water today?
Me: An almost accident.
He nodded.
Chres: It's hard being friends isn't it?
Me: It is but it when get easier it will be worth it.
She pulled into her driveway and we looked at each other.
Chres: Can I at least get one last kiss to satisfy me?
Me: Just a little peck?
He nodded. We looked into each others eyes and leaned in. Our lips brushed against each other's and we passionately kissed. After about 3 minutes of a heated make out session we both pulled away.
Chres: I'm sorry.
Me: No it's my fault.
Chres: Well I will text you or call you.
We both got out and went our separate ways. After showering I laid down on my bed and looked at the ceiling. I looked at my necklace that had the picture of me and Chres in it. I looked at my lock screen and it had a picture of me and Darien on the front being cute. I smiled and texted Darien to let him know I'm home. He texted me back to go to bed and I smiled.
I took my necklace off and put it on my dresser where I always put it at night. My phone vibrated and I looked at it.
Chres: Goodnight Bestfriend❤️💤
I smiled and sent a goodnight text back. I don't know how this is going to be but I know I'm going stick through it a learning experience.

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