Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


            We sat at the table and I felt the stare of a billion eyes but it was really only 3. The sounds of forks hitting the plates made me flinch every time.

Mom: Are you ok?

Me: Can I be excused?

Mom: Yeah just hurry back.

            I got up from my seat and walked upstairs to my bathroom and splashed water on my face. I called Cassie and she answered.

Cassie:*attitude* What do you want Chres?

Me: Wow if you don’t calm that attitude down ill calm over there and correct it for you*biting my lip*.

Cassie: Oh really?

Me: Yeah, right after dinner.

Cassie: Nah, im good I cant keep f**king with you might end up pregnant.

Me: Ha, Ha, Ha, very funny. I actually called you for advice.

Cassie: Wear a condom next time.

Me: I forgot you were evil when im not beating that s**t up.

            I could hear her roll her eyes over the phone.

Cassie: How about breathe? I know you and I know that you want to barf because you are so nervous.

            I breathed in and out multiple times and finally I was ready to face them.

Me: Thanks, I just might have to come over there and beat it up because you helped me out.

            She hung up. I walked back downstairs and sat at the table.

Mom: Is everything ok?

Me: You know, Cassie and Darien arguing again Cassie upset and she called me.

Brooklyn’s Mom: Cassie’s youre best friend?

Me: Yeah.

Brooklyn’s dad: Brooklyn are you cool with that?

Brooklyn: Not really, because she always trying to come at me some way and call me out my name.

            They looked at me.

Mom: Cassie isn’t even that type of girl to do that for no reason.

Disrespectful(A Chresanto August Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now