NSFW Alphabet

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Ethan's alphabet :)
The gist: Honestly, it's just headcanons and nsfw
Song: anything you want ;)

A: Aftercare || Ethan usually runs you both a bath/shower depending on how "it" went. He washes you and everything else you need. If he doesn't do that, then you guys put on a movie and go to sleep

B: Body || He loves your body, anything and everything about it. His favorite part out of all of it is your stomach and thighs. He has a thing for both of them, grabbing onto your thighs and your stomach to dispose of his *cough cough* yk

C: Cum || His is sticky, and is a milky white. He   makes a lot, and even better, he tastes good. He's sweet, and somewhat sour, but not that much

D: Daddy || He's fine if you call him that, but he doesn't completely like the name bc he used to call his dad that

E: Easy || He gives in to you when your up for "it". He will act like he wants to give up a fight, but in reality, he wants to say yes the second you hint, or ask about it

F: Favorite position || He absolutely loves being a dominant person, and what goes great with that is doggy style. He loves seeing you bending over in front of him

G: Goofy || He only jokes about sex when he is over with it. During it he doesn't do anything but praise and groan.

H: Hair || He's mostly shaved, but not around his ()() *iykyk* he got scared when he first started to and would be paranoid about cutting himself down there

I: Intimacy || He is 67% out of 100 in this. He likes to be intimate but he gets out of it after a while

J: Jerking || He does this a lot. More than 4 times a week

K: Kinks || moaning kink fs. Whenever you or him moans he gets a hard on

L: Location || Mostly ur room at the apartment, or his. Also he can do bathrooms too

M: Motivation || Anytime that your weak, or whenever he is pissed off

N: No || Again from earlier, he doesn't really like the name daddy. He also doesn't like super kinky stuff, like rp or anything

O: Oral || He loves receiving, you give it the best, or at least the best he's ever had. He also gives it, he gives it good.

P: Pace || He is slow at first, but he warms up and gets fast

Q: Quickie || He's up for it anytime, but only if it's more than 5 minutes. He tries to hold his release until you're ready, or the other way around

R: Risk || Y'all don't have to worry about it bc ur on the pill. But if you're not he asks you if it's alr to just in case

S: Stamina || He usually lasts a good 2-3 rounds

T: Toy || He's okay with using toys, but hasn't gotten that big of a chance to use them on him

U: Unfair || He let's you get as much dominance that you want, but he likes to be dominant

V: Volume || He's kinda quiet, I mean yeah he can get loud but his voice is deeper so

W: Wildcard || He gets scared about not being good enough for you during it. He feels like when you cover your moans and do stuff yourself it's his fault

X: X-Ray || He's packing a good 8 inches, but he looks bigger each time

Y: Yearning || His sex drive is mid, other than jerking off, he doesn't fuck you 24/7 maybe 1-2 a week

Z: Zzz || He doesn't fall asleep to quick, he usually has enough time to clean both of you up or cuddle and watch a movie

635 words

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