Chapter 8: Library Visit

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Carlos' POV:

I nodded after Mal told me where Y/n was going. Mal sat on the edge of Evies bed and lightly tapped her. Evie groaned but got up and went to use the bathroom. Mal turned to me smirking. "Why do you always want to know where Y/n is?" She asked. I immediately blushed. Do I lie or tell the truth? "I'm waiting" Mal said tapping her foot. "I just wanted to make sure you weren't sending one of our best friends to go hunt a pack if wolves" I said lying through my teeth. Mal couldn't know that I had feelings for Y/n no one did.

"Mhm sure. . ." She said smiling. After about 2 more minutes I heard Y/n scream from the other room. Me and Mal glanced horrified at eachother. I banged the door open to find Y/n sprinting down the stairs, Jay following close behind. Mal burst out laughing as she heard her screams and pleads for Jay to stop. After a couple more seconds the screams stopped and me and Mal went back in the room.

10 minutes went by without either of them coming. Until me Mal and Evie turned to the door once we heard a loud bang on it. "I HAVE LEGS PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW!!!" I heard Y/n scream. I ran to the door and opened it only to find Y/n slung over Jays shoulder and her feet flailing. She was throwing punches on Jays shoulder trying to loosen his grip.

Y/n's POV:

Jay finally put me down after a few long minutes of my pleading. "Okay everyone heres the plan" Mal said. "Evie and Y/n both have useful items from their mothers. We will use Y/n's seashell to turn all of us invisible, and use Evie's mirror to find out where we're going" she stated. "Sounds great!" Carlos said smiling. Jay agreed as well and Evie thought it was a very good plan.

We were all sitting there in comfortable silence so I decided to go and try to find the library. "I'm going to go look for the library" I said standing up. "I'll come with!" Carlos said excitedly. "Okay let's go bye guys" I called to them walking out of the room. "Bye!!!" I heard all three of them call to us as we descended the tall staircase. Luckily we found Doug at the bottom for instructions.

Evie's POV:

After we all said goodbye to Y/n and Carlos, Mal turned to us. "Guys is it just me or does Carlos like Y/n?" Mal asked eyes wide with confusion. I stared back not knowing how to answer. Reason 1 being I'm so tired I feel like I'm going to just pass out with how exhausted I am. Reason 2 being I actually have noticed this myself I just believed I was delusional. Jay spoke up first. "I have noticed it for a long while he would just take a second to stop and admire her." I nodded in agreement.

"I think after you know our parents take over Auradon, we need to get those to together" Mal said smirking. When she said this I suddenly didn't feel tired anymore I absolutely loved this idea. "Yes of course!" I shrieked. Jay nodded and Mal pulled out a notebook. "Okay let's get planning" she said picking up a pencil as we came up with ideas.

Y/n's POV:

"DOG WAIT UP!!" I screamed at the guy with glasses. "My names not Dog its Doug" he corrected. I scoffed and continued. "Where's the library?" I asked. He let out a snort making me angry. "You actually think I'll believe that you want to read?" Doug said laughing now. "Umm yes?" I responded. "Yeah right" he said practically wiping tears off his face.

"Is it so horrible that I like to read?" I asked. "Wait are-are you being serious?" He asked. "Why would we not be?" Carlos said. "I just assumed that there were no books on the isle" Doug said. "Well there weren't many but I learned how to read" I interjected. Doug stopped laughing and smiled at me. "Come this way" he said waving his arm as he walked.

He brought us to a large golden door. Handles made of silver. It looked so magical. "Here it is and please enjoy" he said walking away. I pushed open the doors. What I saw in the inside made me gasp. Bookcase upon bookcase. Shelf upon shelf. Book upon book. There seemed to be millions of books. My heart fluttered. I felt a wide grin settle itself on my face.

I heard Carlos chuckle when I turned to him I noticed him looking at my expression. "Well come on m'lady your happily ever after awaits in these books" he said grinning while holding his arm out for me to grab. I gladly excepted and we started walking around. Carlos went into the comic book section and told me to keep looking so I walked around trying to find the perfect book to start off with.

I was looking through the fiction section when I heard a voice. "I haven't seen you around before" I turned to see a beautiful woman sitting at a desk with like 8 piles of books in front of her, and one in her hand. "Oh no I guess no one has I'm new" I replied nervously. "Interesting" she said looking up again.

"You look familiar" I said thinking aloud. "Well yes I should hope so" she said smiling. "May I help you find a book?" She asked. "Oh that would be wonderful thank you!" I said relieved. "Okay what were you wanting?" She asked standing up from her desk and walking over to me. "I was thinking something like realistic fiction" I said. "Do you find reading a series of books?" She asked politely. "Not at all" I said giving her a smile. "I have the perfect book for you then" she took my hand and led me deeper into the library.

"Here we are" she said pointing at a ton if books on one shelf. "These are the Percy Jackson books they have a fiction story line, but they have Greek Gods demigods all that jazz" she said. "Thats perfect!" I exclaimed. "Great why don't you take all of them I know its a lot but you can return them in 1 month or renew them" she said smiling brightly.

I put the books in a bag then walked back up to her desk. She checked them out and put them in the bag. "Before you go may I ask what's your name?" She said. "Y/n" I responded. Her eyes widened and smile drooped. "Are you one if the kids from the isle?" She asked. "Yes" I said reproachfully. "Oh I'm Belle and I know we banished your parents but I have a feeling that you are quite different, have a lovely day Y/n I do hope to see you again!" She said smiling broadly. "You too your majesty" I said giving a little curtsy. As I  walked off to go find Carlos I heard Belle chuckle a bit. I turned around and she was still smiling.

The Villian Kids (Y/n × Carlos De Vil)Where stories live. Discover now