Chapter 13: Spells Upon Spells

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Me and Evie went to our room to find Mal already there. Evie had started working on her dress for the coronation, while I read, and Mal tried new spells. About an hour past and there was a knock on the door. I opened it only to find Jane. I opened it wider to let her in hoping she would come bearing good news. Mal closed her spell book immediately, and Jane started talking. "Mom said that if a boy can't see the beauty within, then, he's not worth it, can you believe it? What world does she live in?" She asked angrily. "Auradon" I replied glumly. Now I had to go to the coronation so we could get the wand.

"Mal, Y/n, do you like?" Evie asked us lifting up her half done dress. "Yeah, it's cute" Mal said. "It brings our your eyes" I added. "I know!" Evie said looking down at it, as if it were a piece of history stored away. "I'll never get a boyfriend!" Jane complained flopping on Mals bed. "Boyfriends are overrated" Mal said rolling her eyes. "And how would you know Mal? You've never had one." Evie said over her sewing machine noises. "It's cause I don't need one, E" she said angrily.

"They're a waste of time" I said siding with Mal. Mal nodded and looked towards Evie who looked faint. "I FORGOT TO DO CHAD'S HOMEWORK!" She said, anxiously pulling out his backpack. "Oh no! Oh no, no, no!" She said copying her homework answers on his paper. "And that is exactly what we mean!" Mal said throwing her hands in the air. Someone else knocked on our door, and walked in due to it still being open.

"Hey, guys, I'm Lonnie" she said. I assume she was expecting a response, but everyone went silent even Evie who was still eagerly trying to finish. "My mom's Mulan?" She added. Still nothing. "No? Anyways, I love what you've done with Jane's hair. And I know you hate us, and well, your evil. But do you think you could do mine?" She asked pleadingly. "Why would I do that for you?" Mal asked annoyed. "I'll pay you 50 dollars" Lonnie said holding a bag of money. Evie snatched it right out of her hands. "Good answer. I need to buy new material. Let's see I think we lose the bangs maybe some layers, and some highlights." Evie said looking over Lonnies hair.

"Yeah, yeah. I want it cool. Like Mal's" she said smiling at Mal. "Really? The spilt ends, too?" I asked her making Mal glare at me. Everyone was looking at her waiting, until finally she groaned and grabbed her spell book. "Okay. . . Beware forswear, replace the old with cool hair" Mal said moving her finger making Lonnies head turn.

When she looked in the mirror she saw beautiful brown hair, a little longer than her shoulders. She gasped and Evie put her hands on Lonnies shoulders. "I know. I know. It looks like a mop on your head. You know what lets cut it off, layer it-" before Evie could finish Lonnie cut her off. "No! No, no, no, no, no! I love it!" She exclaimed. "You do?" Evie asked looking back down at her hair concerned.

"It's just. . ." Lonnie bent down and ripped her skirt making a slit in it. "Now I'm cool" she said looking pleased. "Like ice" I said smiling. Jane walked up to the mirror, and ripped her own skirt gasping after realizing what she had done. "What did I just do? Mom's gonna kill me!" She said scared, the rest of us just laughed.

The other two had left, and we all went back to what we were doing for about an hour, until two people knocked on our door. "Hey!" Carlos said as he and Jay walked into the room. I was sitting on my bed reading, Mal was sitting on hers trying to find a spell to help. And Evie was at her sewing machine. Carlos flopped next to me on the bed and grabbed my book. I wasn't mad he liked looking at what I would read. "Did your plan work with Jane? Are you going over to see the wand?" Carlos asked while reading the title of my book. "Do you think that I would be going through every single spell in this book if I hadn't completely struck out?!?" She snapped angrily.

Carlos gave me my book back cautiously looking at Mal. I put my bookmark in the book, and put it on my nightstand. Carlos sat up and Jay sat on a chair. "Oh, someone's in a bad mood" Jay said. "My mom's counting on me!" She said flipping another page. "I can't let her down!" Mal said in anguish. "We can do this. . . If we stick together" Jay said looking around at all of us. "And we won't go back until we do" he continued. Carlos grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers. "Because we're rotten. . ." He said pausing. "To the core" all of us said.

"Oh, yeah, I found out that fairy godmother blesses Ben with the wand at coronation. And we all get to go" Evie said repeating Doug's words. "I have nothing to wear of course" she said rolling her eyes sadly. We all stared at her blankly until a knock on the door roused us up. "What? Uh, hold that thought" Mal said standing up and opening the door. Of course, revealing Ben. "Hey, Mal I didn't see you guys today. I was wondering if you had any questions or anything. . . That. . . You needed." He said not looking away from her.

Mal looked behind at all of us. We all shook our heads, indicating we had none. "Not that I know of" she said turning back to him. "Okay, alright, well if you need anything just uh. . ." Mal interrupted him quite abruptly. "Oh, wait! Um, is it true that we all get to go to your coronation?" Mal asked looking eager. "Yeah the whole school goes" Ben answered. "Wow. That is beyond exciting. Do you think that it's a possibility that the five of us could stand in the front row. Next to the fairy godmother, just so we could soak up all that goodness?" Mal asked. "I wish you could, up in front it's just me, my folks, and my girlfriend." He said. "And your girlfriend?" Mal said looking mad that her 'plan' didn't work. "Yeah, I'm sorry" he said to her. "Okay, thanks, bye!" Mal said shutting the door on Ben.

"I think it's time, that Bennyboo got himself a new girlfriend. And I need a love spell." She said I threw her, her book and she found the perfect one.

The Villian Kids (Y/n × Carlos De Vil)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang