Chapter 9: The Museum of Cultural History

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After me and Carlos left the library he went into his room and I went into mine. Sadly our room was disgusting. I hadn't had a chance to really look at it. From the look on Mals face she had the same thought. Although Evie looked right at home. "Ugh! I'm gonna need some serious sunscreen" I said aloud. Mal nodded and Evie's smile faded slightly.

After hours of waiting night had finally fallen over Auradon. Me, Mal, and Evie all walked into Jay and Carlos' room. Carlos was playing a game while Jay was messing with stuff he had found through out the room. He looked to be sorting through them. "Dang you guys got lucky your rooms so much better" I said admiring the dark walls and furniture.

"Jay? What are you doing?" Mal asked picking something up that was in one of his piles. "It's called stealing" he said throwing something in another pile. "Okay, what's the point?" She asked annoyed still examining the object. "Well, Mal, it's like buying whatever I want. Except its free" Jay explained happily. I chuckled and Evie smiled, Carlos was to focused on his game to listen, and Mal scowled.

"Okay, so you could do that. Or you could leave all of this here and pick it up when we take over the world." She said throwing the object back onto the bed. "You sound just like your mother" I said from behind her. "Thank you" she said smiling softly. "You do it your way, and I'll do it mine" Jay said still sorting through piles. "DIE, SUCKERS!!!" Carlos yelled at his game making me and Evie jump slightly. "Jay, come check this thing out. Man its awesome" Carlos said handing Jay the controls as he stepped up to the pad. I scowled at them and turned to Mal. We both gave eachother the same look. Like 'oh my gosh these people we have a mission and all they care about is a game.' I rolled my eyes and motioned for Mal to say something.

"GUYS! Do I have to remind you what we're all here for!" She yelled impatiently. "Fairy godmother, blah, blah, blah. Magic wand, blah, blah, blah." Evie and Carlos laughed and I scoffed loudly. "This is our one chance. To prove ourselves to our parents. To prove that we are evil, and vicious, and ruthless, and cruel. Yeah?" I stated loudly to everyone in the room Mal nodded her approval.

"Yeah" they all said looking down. "Evie, mirror me" Mal said. Evie took the mirror out of her purse and looked down at it. "Mirror, mirror on the--" she stopped herself to correct the mistake. "--In my hand, where is Fairy godmothers wand. . . Stand?" She asked it. The mirror morphed and showed the wand perfectly but way to close. "There it is!" Carlos shouted happily. "Zoom out" I demanded from behind her. "Magic mirror not so close" Evie whispered to it. The mirror zoomed all the way out showing the whole world.

"Closer. Closer. Closer" with each time she said closer the mirror would zoom in until we saw it. "STOP!" Mal said looking down at it. On the mirror was a sign to a museum called 'The Museum of Cultural History.' "It's in a museum?" Jay pondered. "Do we know where that is?" Mal asked. Carlos was already on his laptop searching it up. "2.3 miles from here" he said turning the laptop. "Come on!" I shouted standing up and jumping out of the room.

We had been walking around the museum aimlessly trying to find the wand. And no offense to Evie, but she was really bad at navigating. "Carlos!" Mal whisper-shouted at him due to his slow paced walk. And getting distracted by everything. "Coming!" He whispered back running to join us. "Check your mirror" I told Evie. Evie held up the mirror and instead of finding where to go she looked at her makeup. "Is my mascara smudged?" She asked concerned. I visibly faced-palmed. "Yeah. And hey, while you're at it, why don't you see if you can find the wand?" Mal shouted out loud.

"Sure. This way" Evie pointed down a hallway to a double door with a security guard sitting in a chair watching the footage. Near him in a stand was what looked to be Maleficents spinning wheel. "Y/n we might not have to use your shell of invisibility today" Mal said with a smirk. "That's your mother's spinning wheel?" Jay said looking at it him and Carlos burst out laughing. "Yeah, it's kinda dorky" Carlos said smiling. I couldn't help but chuckle a little.

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